14.2 Volume Scattering Integrators

The path space expression of the null-scattering equation of transfer allows a variety of sampling techniques to be applied to the light transport problem. This section defines two integrators that are based on path tracing starting from the camera.

First is the SimpleVolPathIntegrator, which uses simple sampling techniques, giving an implementation that is short and easily verified. This integrator is particularly useful for computing ground-truth results when debugging more sophisticated volumetric sampling and integration algorithms.

The VolPathIntegrator is defined next. This integrator is fairly complex, but it applies state-of-the-art sampling techniques to volume light transport while handling surface scattering similarly to the PathIntegrator. It is pbrt’s default integrator and is also the template for the wavefront integrator in Chapter 15.

14.2.1 A Simple Volumetric Integrator

The SimpleVolPathIntegrator implements a basic volumetric path tracer, following the sampling approach described in Section 14.1.2. Its Li() method is under 100 lines of code, none of them too tricky. However, with this simplicity comes a number of limitations. First, like the RandomWalkIntegrator, it does not perform any explicit light sampling, so it requires that rays are able to randomly intersect the lights in the scene. Second, it does not handle scattering from surfaces. An error message is therefore issued if it is used with a scene that contains delta distribution light sources or has surfaces with nonzero-valued BSDFs. (These defects are all addressed in the VolPathIntegrator discussed in Section 14.2.2.) Nevertheless, this integrator is capable of rendering complex volumetric effects; see Figure 14.6.

Figure 14.6: Explosion Rendered Using the SimpleVolPathIntegrator. With 256 samples per pixel, this integrator gives a reasonably accurate rendering of the volumetric model, though there are variance spikes in some pixels (especially visible toward the bottom of the volume) due to error from the integrator not directly sampling the scene’s light sources. The VolPathIntegrator, which uses more sophisticated sampling strategies, renders this scene with 1,288 times lower MSE; it is discussed in Section 14.2.2. (Scene courtesy of Jim Price.)

<<SimpleVolPathIntegrator Definition>>= 
class SimpleVolPathIntegrator : public RayIntegrator { public: <<SimpleVolPathIntegrator Public Methods>> 
SimpleVolPathIntegrator(int maxDepth, Camera camera, Sampler sampler, Primitive aggregate, std::vector<Light> lights); SampledSpectrum Li(RayDifferential ray, SampledWavelengths &lambda, Sampler sampler, ScratchBuffer &scratchBuffer, VisibleSurface *visibleSurface) const; static std::unique_ptr<SimpleVolPathIntegrator> Create( const ParameterDictionary &parameters, Camera camera, Sampler sampler, Primitive aggregate, std::vector<Light> lights, const FileLoc *loc); std::string ToString() const;
private: <<SimpleVolPathIntegrator Private Members>> 
int maxDepth;

This integrator’s only parameter is the maximum path length, which is set via a value passed to the constructor (not included here).

<<SimpleVolPathIntegrator Private Members>>= 
int maxDepth;

The general form of the Li() method follows that of the PathIntegrator.

<<SimpleVolPathIntegrator Method Definitions>>= 
SampledSpectrum SimpleVolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray, SampledWavelengths &lambda, Sampler sampler, ScratchBuffer &buf, VisibleSurface *) const { <<Declare local variables for delta tracking integration>> 
SampledSpectrum L(0.f); Float beta = 1.f; int depth = 0;
<<Terminate secondary wavelengths before starting random walk>>  while (true) { <<Estimate radiance for ray path using delta tracking>> 
pstd::optional<ShapeIntersection> si = Intersect(ray); bool scattered = false, terminated = false; if (ray.medium) { <<Initialize RNG for sampling the majorant transmittance>> 
uint64_t hash0 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); uint64_t hash1 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); RNG rng(hash0, hash1);
<<Sample medium using delta tracking>> 
Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : Infinity; Float u = sampler.Get1D(); Float uMode = sampler.Get1D(); SampleT_maj(ray, tMax, u, rng, lambda, [&](Point3f p, MediumProperties mp, SampledSpectrum sigma_maj, SampledSpectrum T_maj) { <<Compute medium event probabilities for interaction>> 
Float pAbsorb = mp.sigma_a[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pScatter = mp.sigma_s[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pNull = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - pAbsorb - pScatter);
<<Randomly sample medium scattering event for delta tracking>> 
int mode = SampleDiscrete({pAbsorb, pScatter, pNull}, uMode); if (mode == 0) { <<Handle absorption event for medium sample>> 
L += beta * mp.Le; terminated = true; return false;
} else if (mode == 1) { <<Handle regular scattering event for medium sample>> 
<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Sample phase function for medium scattering event>> 
Point2f u{rng.Uniform<Float>(), rng.Uniform<Float>()}; pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = mp.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Update state for recursive evaluation of upper L Subscript normal i >> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; scattered = true; return false;
} else { <<Handle null-scattering event for medium sample>> 
uMode = rng.Uniform<Float>(); return true;
} <<Handle terminated and unscattered rays after medium sampling>> 
if (terminated) return L; if (scattered) continue; <<Add emission to surviving ray>> 
if (si) L += beta * si->intr.Le(-ray.d, lambda); else { for (const auto &light : infiniteLights) L += beta * light.Le(ray, lambda); return L; }
<<Handle surface intersection along ray path>> 
BSDF bsdf = si->intr.GetBSDF(ray, lambda, camera, buf, sampler); if (!bsdf) si->intr.SkipIntersection(&ray, si->tHit); else { <<Report error if BSDF returns a valid sample>> 
Float uc = sampler.Get1D(); Point2f u = sampler.Get2D(); if (bsdf.Sample_f(-ray.d, uc, u)) ErrorExit("SimpleVolPathIntegrator doesn't support surface scattering."); else break;
} return L; }

A few familiar variables track the path state, including L to accumulate the radiance estimate for the path. For this integrator, beta, which tracks the path throughput weight, is just a single Float value, since the product of ratios of phase function values and sampling PDFs from Equation (14.19) is a scalar value.

<<Declare local variables for delta tracking integration>>= 
SampledSpectrum L(0.f); Float beta = 1.f; int depth = 0;

Media with scattering properties that vary according to wavelength introduce a number of complexities in sampling and evaluating Monte Carlo estimators. We will defer addressing them until we cover the VolPathIntegrator. The SimpleVolPathIntegrator instead estimates radiance at a single wavelength by terminating all but the first wavelength sample.

Here is a case where we have chosen simplicity over efficiency for this integrator’s implementation: we might instead have accounted for all wavelengths until the point that spectrally varying scattering properties were encountered, enjoying the variance reduction benefits of estimating all of them for scenes where doing so is possible. However, doing this would have led to a more complex integrator implementation.

<<Terminate secondary wavelengths before starting random walk>>= 

The first step in the loop is to find the ray’s intersection with the scene geometry, if any. This gives the parametric distance t beyond which no samples should be taken for the current ray, as the intersection either represents a transition to a different medium or a surface that occludes farther-away points.

The scattered and terminated variables declared here will allow the lambda function that is passed to SampleT_maj() to report back the state of the path after sampling terminates.

<<Estimate radiance for ray path using delta tracking>>= 
pstd::optional<ShapeIntersection> si = Intersect(ray); bool scattered = false, terminated = false; if (ray.medium) { <<Initialize RNG for sampling the majorant transmittance>> 
uint64_t hash0 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); uint64_t hash1 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); RNG rng(hash0, hash1);
<<Sample medium using delta tracking>> 
Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : Infinity; Float u = sampler.Get1D(); Float uMode = sampler.Get1D(); SampleT_maj(ray, tMax, u, rng, lambda, [&](Point3f p, MediumProperties mp, SampledSpectrum sigma_maj, SampledSpectrum T_maj) { <<Compute medium event probabilities for interaction>> 
Float pAbsorb = mp.sigma_a[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pScatter = mp.sigma_s[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pNull = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - pAbsorb - pScatter);
<<Randomly sample medium scattering event for delta tracking>> 
int mode = SampleDiscrete({pAbsorb, pScatter, pNull}, uMode); if (mode == 0) { <<Handle absorption event for medium sample>> 
L += beta * mp.Le; terminated = true; return false;
} else if (mode == 1) { <<Handle regular scattering event for medium sample>> 
<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Sample phase function for medium scattering event>> 
Point2f u{rng.Uniform<Float>(), rng.Uniform<Float>()}; pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = mp.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Update state for recursive evaluation of upper L Subscript normal i >> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; scattered = true; return false;
} else { <<Handle null-scattering event for medium sample>> 
uMode = rng.Uniform<Float>(); return true;
} <<Handle terminated and unscattered rays after medium sampling>> 
if (terminated) return L; if (scattered) continue; <<Add emission to surviving ray>> 
if (si) L += beta * si->intr.Le(-ray.d, lambda); else { for (const auto &light : infiniteLights) L += beta * light.Le(ray, lambda); return L; }
<<Handle surface intersection along ray path>> 
BSDF bsdf = si->intr.GetBSDF(ray, lambda, camera, buf, sampler); if (!bsdf) si->intr.SkipIntersection(&ray, si->tHit); else { <<Report error if BSDF returns a valid sample>> 
Float uc = sampler.Get1D(); Point2f u = sampler.Get2D(); if (bsdf.Sample_f(-ray.d, uc, u)) ErrorExit("SimpleVolPathIntegrator doesn't support surface scattering."); else break;

An RNG is required for the call to the SampleT_maj() function. We derive seeds for it based on two random values from the sampler, hashing them to convert Floats into integers.

<<Initialize RNG for sampling the majorant transmittance>>= 
uint64_t hash0 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); uint64_t hash1 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); RNG rng(hash0, hash1);

With that, a call to SampleT_maj() starts the generation of samples according to sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline upper T Subscript normal m normal a normal j . The Sampler is used to generate the first uniform sample u that is passed to the method; recall from Section 14.1.3 that subsequent ones will be generated using the provided RNG. In a similar fashion, the Sampler is used for the initial value of uMode here. It will be used to choose among the three types of scattering event at the first sampled point. For uMode as well, the RNG will provide subsequent values.

In this case, the transmittance that SampleT_maj() returns for the final segment is unneeded, so it is ignored.

<<Sample medium using delta tracking>>= 
Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : Infinity; Float u = sampler.Get1D(); Float uMode = sampler.Get1D(); SampleT_maj(ray, tMax, u, rng, lambda, [&](Point3f p, MediumProperties mp, SampledSpectrum sigma_maj, SampledSpectrum T_maj) { <<Compute medium event probabilities for interaction>> 
Float pAbsorb = mp.sigma_a[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pScatter = mp.sigma_s[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pNull = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - pAbsorb - pScatter);
<<Randomly sample medium scattering event for delta tracking>> 
int mode = SampleDiscrete({pAbsorb, pScatter, pNull}, uMode); if (mode == 0) { <<Handle absorption event for medium sample>> 
L += beta * mp.Le; terminated = true; return false;
} else if (mode == 1) { <<Handle regular scattering event for medium sample>> 
<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Sample phase function for medium scattering event>> 
Point2f u{rng.Uniform<Float>(), rng.Uniform<Float>()}; pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = mp.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Update state for recursive evaluation of upper L Subscript normal i >> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; scattered = true; return false;
} else { <<Handle null-scattering event for medium sample>> 
uMode = rng.Uniform<Float>(); return true;

For each sample returned by SampleT_maj(), it is necessary to select which type of scattering it represents. The first step is to compute the probability of each possibility. Because we have specified sigma Subscript normal n such that it is nonnegative and sigma Subscript normal a Baseline plus sigma Subscript normal s Baseline plus sigma Subscript normal n Baseline equals sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j , the null-scattering probability can be found as one minus the other two probabilities. A call to std::max() ensures that any slightly negative values due to floating-point round-off error are clamped at zero.

<<Compute medium event probabilities for interaction>>= 
Float pAbsorb = mp.sigma_a[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pScatter = mp.sigma_s[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pNull = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - pAbsorb - pScatter);

A call to SampleDiscrete() then selects one of the three terms of upper L Subscript normal n using the specified probabilities.

<<Randomly sample medium scattering event for delta tracking>>= 
int mode = SampleDiscrete({pAbsorb, pScatter, pNull}, uMode); if (mode == 0) { <<Handle absorption event for medium sample>> 
L += beta * mp.Le; terminated = true; return false;
} else if (mode == 1) { <<Handle regular scattering event for medium sample>> 
<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Sample phase function for medium scattering event>> 
Point2f u{rng.Uniform<Float>(), rng.Uniform<Float>()}; pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = mp.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Update state for recursive evaluation of upper L Subscript normal i >> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; scattered = true; return false;
} else { <<Handle null-scattering event for medium sample>> 
uMode = rng.Uniform<Float>(); return true;

If absorption is chosen, the path terminates. Any emission is added to the radiance estimate, and evaluation of Equation (14.19) is complete. The fragment therefore sets terminated to indicate that the path is finished and returns false from the lambda function so that no further samples are generated along the ray.

<<Handle absorption event for medium sample>>= 
L += beta * mp.Le; terminated = true; return false;

For a scattering event, beta is updated according to the ratio of phase function and its directional sampling probability from Equation (14.19).

<<Handle regular scattering event for medium sample>>= 
<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Sample phase function for medium scattering event>> 
Point2f u{rng.Uniform<Float>(), rng.Uniform<Float>()}; pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = mp.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Update state for recursive evaluation of upper L Subscript normal i >> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; scattered = true; return false;

The counter for the number of scattering events is only incremented for real-scattering events; we do not want the number of null-scattering events to affect path termination. If this scattering event causes the limit to be reached, the path is terminated.

<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>>= 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }

If the path is not terminated, then a new direction is sampled from the phase function’s distribution.

<<Sample phase function for medium scattering event>>= 
Point2f u{rng.Uniform<Float>(), rng.Uniform<Float>()}; pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = mp.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps) { terminated = true; return false; }

Given a sampled direction, the beta factor must be updated. Volumetric path-tracing implementations often assume that the phase function sampling distribution matches the phase function’s actual distribution and dispense with beta entirely since it is always equal to 1. This variation is worth pausing to consider: in that case, emitted radiance at the end of the path is always returned, unscaled. All of the effect of transmittance, phase functions, and so forth is entirely encapsulated in the distribution of how often various terms are evaluated and in the distribution of scattered ray directions. pbrt does not impose the requirement on phase functions that their importance sampling technique be perfect, though this is the case for the Henyey–Greenstein phase function in pbrt.

Be it with beta or without, there is no need to do any further work along the current ray after a scattering event, so after the following code updates the path state to account for scattering, it too returns false to direct that no further samples should be taken along the ray.

<<Update state for recursive evaluation of upper L Subscript normal i >>= 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; scattered = true; return false;

Null-scattering events are ignored, so there is nothing to do but to return true to indicate that additional samples along the current ray should be taken. Similar to the real-scattering case, this can be interpreted as starting a recursive evaluation of Equation (14.3) from the current sampled position without incurring the overhead of actually doing so. Since this is the only case that may lead to another invocation of the lambda function, uMode must be refreshed with a new uniform sample value in case another sample is generated.

<<Handle null-scattering event for medium sample>>= 
uMode = rng.Uniform<Float>(); return true;

If the path was terminated due to absorption, then there is no more work to do in the Li() method; the final radiance value can be returned. Further, if the ray was scattered, then there is nothing more to do but to restart the while loop and start sampling the scattered ray. Otherwise, the ray either underwent no scattering events or only underwent null scattering.

<<Handle terminated and unscattered rays after medium sampling>>= 
if (terminated) return L; if (scattered) continue; <<Add emission to surviving ray>> 
if (si) L += beta * si->intr.Le(-ray.d, lambda); else { for (const auto &light : infiniteLights) L += beta * light.Le(ray, lambda); return L; }
<<Handle surface intersection along ray path>> 
BSDF bsdf = si->intr.GetBSDF(ray, lambda, camera, buf, sampler); if (!bsdf) si->intr.SkipIntersection(&ray, si->tHit); else { <<Report error if BSDF returns a valid sample>> 
Float uc = sampler.Get1D(); Point2f u = sampler.Get2D(); if (bsdf.Sample_f(-ray.d, uc, u)) ErrorExit("SimpleVolPathIntegrator doesn't support surface scattering."); else break;

If the ray is unscattered and unabsorbed, then any emitters it interacts with contribute radiance to the path. Either surface emission or emission from infinite light sources is accounted for, depending on whether an intersection with a surface was found. Further, if the ray did not intersect a surface, then the path is finished and the radiance estimate can be returned.

<<Add emission to surviving ray>>= 
if (si) L += beta * si->intr.Le(-ray.d, lambda); else { for (const auto &light : infiniteLights) L += beta * light.Le(ray, lambda); return L; }

It is still necessary to consider surface intersections, even if scattering from them is not handled by this integrator. There are three cases to consider:

  • If the surface has no BSDF, it represents a transition between different types of participating media. A call to SkipIntersection() moves the ray past the intersection and updates its medium appropriately.
  • If there is a valid BSDF and that BDSF also returns a valid sample from Sample_f(), then we have a BSDF that scatters; an error is issued and rendering stops.
  • A valid but zero-valued BSDF is allowed; such a BSDF should be assigned to area light sources in scenes to be rendered using this integrator.

<<Handle surface intersection along ray path>>= 
BSDF bsdf = si->intr.GetBSDF(ray, lambda, camera, buf, sampler); if (!bsdf) si->intr.SkipIntersection(&ray, si->tHit); else { <<Report error if BSDF returns a valid sample>> 
Float uc = sampler.Get1D(); Point2f u = sampler.Get2D(); if (bsdf.Sample_f(-ray.d, uc, u)) ErrorExit("SimpleVolPathIntegrator doesn't support surface scattering."); else break;

14.2.2 Improving the Sampling Techniques

The VolPathIntegrator adds three significant improvements to the approach implemented in SimpleVolPathIntegrator: it supports scattering from surfaces as well as from volumes; it handles spectrally varying medium scattering properties without falling back to sampling a single wavelength; and it samples lights directly, using multiple importance sampling to reduce variance when doing so. The first improvement—including surface scattering—is mostly a matter of applying the ideas of Equation (14.7), sampling distances in volumes but then choosing surface scattering if the sampled distance is past the closest intersection. For the other two, we will here discuss the underlying foundations before turning to their implementation.

Chromatic Media

We have thus far glossed over some of the implications of spectrally varying medium properties. Because pbrt uses point-sampled spectra, they introduce no complications in terms of evaluating things like the modified path throughput ModifyingAbove upper T With caret left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis or the path throughput weight beta left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis : given a set of path vertices, such quantities can be evaluated for all the wavelength samples simultaneously using the SampledSpectrum class.

The problem with spectrally varying medium properties comes from sampling. Consider a wavelength-dependent function f Subscript lamda Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis that we would like to integrate at n wavelengths lamda Subscript i . If we draw samples x tilde p Subscript lamda 1 from a wavelength-dependent PDF based on the first wavelength and then evaluate f at all the wavelengths, we have the estimators

StartFraction left-bracket f Subscript lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis comma f Subscript lamda 2 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis comma ellipsis comma f Subscript lamda Sub Subscript n Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis right-bracket Over p Subscript lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis EndFraction period

Even if the PDF p Subscript lamda 1 that was used for sampling matches f Subscript lamda 1 well, it may be a poor match for f at the other wavelengths. It may not even be a valid PDF for them, if it is zero-valued where the function is nonzero. However, falling back to integrating a single wavelength at a time would be unfortunately inefficient, as shown in Section 4.5.4.

This problem of a single sampling PDF possibly mismatched with a wavelength-dependent function comes up repeatedly in volumetric path tracing. For example, sampling the majorant transmittance at one wavelength may be a poor approach for sampling it at others. That could be handled by selecting a majorant that bounds all wavelengths’ extinction coefficients, but such a majorant would lead to many null-scattering events at wavelengths that could have used a much lower majorant, which would harm performance.

The path tracer’s choice among absorption, real scattering, and null scattering at a sampled point cannot be sidestepped in a similar way: different wavelengths may have quite different probabilities for each of these types of medium interaction, yet with path tracing the integrator must choose only one of them. Splitting up the computation to let each wavelength choose individually would be nearly as inefficient as only considering a single wavelength at a time.

However, if a single type of interaction is chosen based on a single wavelength and we evaluate the modified path contribution function ModifyingAbove upper P With caret for all wavelengths, we could have arbitrarily high variance in the other wavelengths. To see why, note how all the sigma Subscript StartSet normal s comma normal n EndSet factors that came from the p Subscript normal e Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i Baseline right-parenthesis factors in Equation (14.18) canceled out to give the delta-tracking estimator, Equation (14.19). In the spectral case, if, for example, real scattering is chosen based on a wavelength lamda ’s scattering coefficient sigma Subscript normal s and if a wavelength lamda prime has scattering coefficient sigma prime Subscript normal s , then the final estimator for lamda prime will include a factor of sigma prime Subscript normal s Baseline slash sigma Subscript normal s that can be arbitrarily large.

The fact that SampleT_maj() nevertheless samples according to a single wavelength’s majorant transmittance suggests that there is a solution to this problem. That solution, yet again, is multiple importance sampling. In this case, we are using a single sampling technique rather than MIS-weighting multiple techniques, so we use the single-sample MIS estimator from Equation (2.16), which here gives

StartFraction w Subscript lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis Over q EndFraction StartFraction left-bracket f Subscript lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis comma f Subscript lamda 2 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis comma ellipsis comma f Subscript lamda Sub Subscript n Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis right-bracket Over p Subscript lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis EndFraction comma

where q is the discrete probability of sampling using the wavelength lamda 1 , here uniform at 1 slash n with n the number of spectral samples.

The balance heuristic is optimal for single-sample MIS. It gives the MIS weight

w Subscript lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis equals StartFraction p Subscript lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis Over sigma-summation Underscript 1 Overscript n Endscripts p Subscript lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis EndFraction comma

which gives the estimator

StartStartFraction p Subscript lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis OverOver StartFraction 1 Over n EndFraction sigma-summation Underscript 1 Overscript n Endscripts p Subscript lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis EndEndFraction StartFraction left-bracket f Subscript lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis comma f Subscript lamda 2 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis comma ellipsis comma f Subscript lamda Sub Subscript n Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis right-bracket Over p Subscript lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis EndFraction equals StartStartFraction left-bracket f Subscript lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis comma f Subscript lamda 2 Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis comma ellipsis comma f Subscript lamda Sub Subscript n Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis right-bracket OverOver StartFraction 1 Over n EndFraction sigma-summation Underscript 1 Overscript n Endscripts p Subscript lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis EndEndFraction period

See Figure 14.7 for an example that shows the benefits of MIS for chromatic media.

Figure 14.7: Chromatic Volumetric Media. (a) When rendered without spectral MIS, variance is high. (b) Results are much better with spectral MIS, as implemented in the VolPathIntegrator. For this scene, MSE is reduced by a factor of 149. (Scene courtesty of Jim Price.)

Direct Lighting

Multiple importance sampling is also at the heart of how the VolPathIntegrator samples direct illumination. As with the PathIntegrator, we would like to combine the strategies of sampling the light sources with sampling the BSDF or phase function to find light-carrying paths and then to weight the contributions of each sampling technique using MIS. Doing so is more complex than it is in the absence of volumetric scattering, however, because not only does the sampling distribution used at the last path vertex differ (as before) but the VolPathIntegrator also uses ratio tracking to estimate the transmittance along the shadow ray. That is a different distance sampling technique than the delta-tracking approach used when sampling ray paths, and so it leads to a different path PDF.

In the following, we will say that the two path-sampling techniques used in the VolPathIntegrator are unidirectional path sampling and light path sampling; we will write their respective path PDFs as p Subscript normal u and p Subscript normal l . The first corresponds to the sampling approach from Section 14.1.5, with delta tracking used to find real-scattering vertices and with the phase function or BSDF sampled to find the new direction at each vertex. Light path sampling follows the same approach up to the last real-scattering vertex before the light vertex; there, the light selects the direction and then ratio tracking gives the transmittance along the last path segment. (See Figure 14.8.) Given a path normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n minus 1 , both approaches share the same path throughput weight beta up to the vertex normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n minus 1 and the same path PDF up to that vertex, p Subscript normal u Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis .

Figure 14.8: In the direct lighting calculation, at each path vertex a point is sampled on a light source and a shadow ray (dotted line) is traced. The VolPathIntegrator uses ratio tracking to compute the transmittance along the ray by accumulating the product sigma Subscript normal n Baseline slash sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j at sampled points along the ray (open circles). For the MIS weight, it is necessary to be able not only to compute the PDF for sampling the corresponding direction at the last path vertex but also to compute the probability of generating these samples using delta tracking, since that is how the path would be sampled with unidirectional path sampling.

For the full PDF for unidirectional path sampling, at the last scattering vertex we have the probability of scattering, sigma Subscript normal s Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis slash sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j times the directional probability for sampling the new direction p Subscript omega Sub Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis omega Subscript Baseline Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis , which is given by the sampling strategy used for the BSDF or phase function. Then, for the path to find an emitter at the vertex normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n , it must have only sampled null-scattering vertices between normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n minus 1 and normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n ; absorption or a real-scattering vertex preclude making it to normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n .

Using the results from Section 14.1.5, we can find that the path PDF between two points normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i and normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript j with m intermediate null-scattering vertices indexed by k is given by the product of

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column p Subscript normal e Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus k Baseline right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals StartFraction sigma Subscript normal n Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus k Baseline right-parenthesis Over sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline EndFraction and 2nd Row 1st Column p Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus k Baseline right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline upper T Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus k minus 1 Baseline right-arrow normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus k Baseline right-parenthesis EndLayout

for all null-scattering vertices. The sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j factors cancel and the null-scattering path probability is

p Subscript normal n normal u normal l normal l Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i Baseline comma normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript j Baseline right-parenthesis equals left-parenthesis product Underscript k equals 1 Overscript m Endscripts sigma Subscript normal n Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus k Baseline right-parenthesis upper T Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus k minus 1 Baseline right-arrow normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus k Baseline right-parenthesis right-parenthesis upper T Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus m Baseline right-arrow normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript j Baseline right-parenthesis period

The full unidirectional path probability is then given by

p Subscript normal u Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis equals p Subscript normal u Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis StartFraction sigma Subscript normal s Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis Over sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline EndFraction p Subscript omega Baseline left-parenthesis omega Subscript Baseline Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis p Subscript normal n normal u normal l normal l Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n minus 1 Baseline comma normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis period

For light sampling, we again have the discrete probability sigma Subscript normal s Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis slash sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j for scattering at normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n minus 1 but the directional PDF at the vertex is determined by the light’s sampling distribution, which we will denote by p Subscript normal l comma omega Baseline left-parenthesis omega Subscript Baseline Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis . The only missing piece is the PDF of the last segment (the shadow ray), where ratio tracking is used. In that case, points are sampled according to the majorant transmittance and so the PDF for a path sampled between points normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i and normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript j with m intermediate vertices is

p Subscript normal r normal a normal t normal i normal o Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i Baseline comma normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript j Baseline right-parenthesis equals left-parenthesis product Underscript k equals 1 Overscript m Endscripts upper T Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus k minus 1 Baseline right-arrow normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus k Baseline right-parenthesis sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline right-parenthesis comma upper T Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus m Baseline right-arrow normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript j Baseline right-parenthesis comma

and the full light sampling path PDF is given by

p Subscript normal l Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis equals p Subscript normal u Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis StartFraction sigma Subscript normal s Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis Over sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline EndFraction p Subscript normal l comma omega Baseline left-parenthesis omega Subscript Baseline Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis p Subscript normal r normal a normal t normal i normal o Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n minus 1 Baseline comma normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis period

The VolPathIntegrator samples both types of paths according to the first wavelength lamda 1 but evaluates these PDFs at all wavelengths so that MIS over wavelengths can be used. Given the path normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n sampled using unidirectional path sampling and then the path normal p Subscript Baseline overbar prime Subscript n sampled using light path sampling, the two-sample MIS estimator is

w Subscript normal u Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis StartFraction ModifyingAbove upper T With caret left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis upper L Subscript normal e Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n Baseline right-arrow normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis Over p Subscript normal u comma lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis EndFraction plus w Subscript normal l Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar prime Subscript n right-parenthesis StartFraction ModifyingAbove upper T With caret left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar prime Subscript n right-parenthesis upper L Subscript normal e Baseline left-parenthesis normal p prime Subscript Baseline right-arrow normal p prime Subscript n minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis Over p Subscript normal l comma lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar prime Subscript n right-parenthesis EndFraction period

Note that because the paths share the same vertices for all of normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n minus 1 , not only do the two ModifyingAbove upper T With caret factors share common factors, but p Subscript normal u comma lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis and p Subscript normal l comma lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar prime Subscript n right-parenthesis do as well, following Equations (14.21) and (14.23).

In this case, the MIS weights can account not only for the differences between unidirectional and light path sampling but also for the different per-wavelength probabilities for each sampling strategy. For example, with the balance heuristic, the MIS weight for the unidirectional strategy works out to be

w Subscript normal u Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis equals StartStartFraction p Subscript normal u comma lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis OverOver StartFraction 1 Over m EndFraction left-parenthesis sigma-summation Underscript i Overscript m Endscripts p Subscript normal u comma lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis plus sigma-summation Underscript i Overscript m Endscripts p Subscript normal l comma lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis right-parenthesis EndEndFraction comma

with m the number of spectral samples. The MIS weight for light sampling is equivalent, but with the p Subscript normal u comma lamda 1 function in the numerator replaced with p Subscript normal l comma lamda 1 .

14.2.3 Improved Volumetric Integrator

Figure 14.9: Volumetric Emission inside Lightbulbs. The flames in each lightbulb are modeled with participating media and rendered with the VolPathIntegrator. (Scene courtesy of Jim Price.)

Figure 14.10: Volumetric Scattering in Liquid. Scattering in the paint-infused water is modeled with participating media and rendered with the VolPathIntegrator. (Scene courtesy of Angelo Ferretti.)

The VolPathIntegrator pulls together all of these ideas to robustly handle both surface and volume transport. See Figures 14.9 and 14.10 for images rendered with this integrator that show off the visual complexity that comes from volumetric emission, chromatic media, and multiple scattering in participating media.

<<VolPathIntegrator Definition>>= 
class VolPathIntegrator : public RayIntegrator { public: <<VolPathIntegrator Public Methods>> 
VolPathIntegrator(int maxDepth, Camera camera, Sampler sampler, Primitive aggregate, std::vector<Light> lights, const std::string &lightSampleStrategy = "bvh", bool regularize = false) : RayIntegrator(camera, sampler, aggregate, lights), maxDepth(maxDepth), lightSampler( LightSampler::Create(lightSampleStrategy, lights, Allocator())), regularize(regularize) {} SampledSpectrum Li(RayDifferential ray, SampledWavelengths &lambda, Sampler sampler, ScratchBuffer &scratchBuffer, VisibleSurface *visibleSurface) const; static std::unique_ptr<VolPathIntegrator> Create( const ParameterDictionary &parameters, Camera camera, Sampler sampler, Primitive aggregate, std::vector<Light> lights, const FileLoc *loc); std::string ToString() const;
private: <<VolPathIntegrator Private Methods>> 
SampledSpectrum SampleLd(const Interaction &intr, const BSDF *bsdf, SampledWavelengths &lambda, Sampler sampler, SampledSpectrum beta, SampledSpectrum inv_w_u) const;
<<VolPathIntegrator Private Members>> 
int maxDepth; LightSampler lightSampler; bool regularize;

As with the other Integrator constructors that we have seen so far, the VolPathIntegrator constructor does not perform any meaningful computation, but just initializes member variables with provided values. These three are all equivalent to their parallels in the PathIntegrator.

<<VolPathIntegrator Private Members>>= 
int maxDepth; LightSampler lightSampler; bool regularize;

<<VolPathIntegrator Method Definitions>>= 
SampledSpectrum VolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray, SampledWavelengths &lambda, Sampler sampler, ScratchBuffer &scratchBuffer, VisibleSurface *visibleSurf) const { <<Declare state variables for volumetric path sampling>> 
SampledSpectrum L(0.f), beta(1.f), r_u(1.f), r_l(1.f); bool specularBounce = false, anyNonSpecularBounces = false; int depth = 0; Float etaScale = 1; LightSampleContext prevIntrContext;
while (true) { <<Sample segment of volumetric scattering path>> 
pstd::optional<ShapeIntersection> si = Intersect(ray); if (ray.medium) { <<Sample the participating medium>> 
bool scattered = false, terminated = false; Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : Infinity; <<Initialize RNG for sampling the majorant transmittance>> 
uint64_t hash0 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); uint64_t hash1 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); RNG rng(hash0, hash1);
SampledSpectrum T_maj = SampleT_maj(ray, tMax, sampler.Get1D(), rng, lambda, [&](Point3f p, MediumProperties mp, SampledSpectrum sigma_maj, SampledSpectrum T_maj) { <<Handle medium scattering event for ray>> 
<<Add emission from medium scattering event>> 
if (depth < maxDepth && mp.Le) { <<Compute beta prime at new path vertex>> 
Float pdf = sigma_maj[0] * T_maj[0]; SampledSpectrum betap = beta * T_maj / pdf;
<<Compute rescaled path probability for absorption at path vertex>> 
SampledSpectrum r_e = r_u * sigma_maj * T_maj / pdf;
<<Update L for medium emission>> 
if (r_e) L += betap * mp.sigma_a * mp.Le / r_e.Average();
<<Compute medium event probabilities for interaction>> 
Float pAbsorb = mp.sigma_a[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pScatter = mp.sigma_s[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pNull = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - pAbsorb - pScatter);
<<Sample medium scattering event type and update path>> 
Float um = rng.Uniform<Float>(); int mode = SampleDiscrete({pAbsorb, pScatter, pNull}, um); if (mode == 0) { <<Handle absorption along ray path>> 
terminated = true; return false;
} else if (mode == 1) { <<Handle scattering along ray path>> 
<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Update beta and r_u for real-scattering event>> 
Float pdf = T_maj[0] * mp.sigma_s[0]; beta *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf;
if (beta && r_u) { <<Sample direct lighting at volume-scattering event>> 
MediumInteraction intr(p, -ray.d, ray.time, ray.medium, mp.phase); L += SampleLd(intr, nullptr, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u);
<<Sample new direction at real-scattering event>> 
Point2f u = sampler.Get2D(); pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = intr.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps || ps->pdf == 0) terminated = true; else { <<Update ray path state for indirect volume scattering>> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; r_l = r_u / ps->pdf; prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(intr); scattered = true; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; specularBounce = false; anyNonSpecularBounces = true;
} return false;
} else { <<Handle null scattering along ray path>> 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_n[0]; beta *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; if (pdf == 0) beta = SampledSpectrum(0.f); r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; return beta && r_u;
}); <<Handle terminated, scattered, and unscattered medium rays>> 
if (terminated || !beta || !r_u) return L; if (scattered) continue; beta *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_u *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_l *= T_maj / T_maj[0];
} <<Handle surviving unscattered rays>> 
<<Add emitted light at volume path vertex or from the environment>> 
if (!si) { <<Accumulate contributions from infinite light sources>> 
for (const auto &light : infiniteLights) { if (SampledSpectrum Le = light.Le(ray, lambda); Le) { if (depth == 0 || specularBounce) L += beta * Le / r_u.Average(); else { <<Add infinite light contribution using both PDFs with MIS>> 
Float lightPDF = lightSampler.PMF(prevIntrContext, light) * light.PDF_Li(prevIntrContext, ray.d, true); r_l *= lightPDF; L += beta * Le / (r_u + r_l).Average();
} } }
break; } SurfaceInteraction &isect = si->intr; if (SampledSpectrum Le = isect.Le(-ray.d, lambda); Le) { <<Add contribution of emission from intersected surface>> 
if (depth == 0 || specularBounce) L += beta * Le / r_u.Average(); else { <<Add surface light contribution using both PDFs with MIS>> 
Light areaLight(isect.areaLight); Float lightPDF = lightSampler.PMF(prevIntrContext, areaLight) * areaLight.PDF_Li(prevIntrContext, ray.d, true); r_l *= lightPDF; L += beta * Le / (r_u + r_l).Average();
<<Get BSDF and skip over medium boundaries>> 
BSDF bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, lambda, camera, scratchBuffer, sampler); if (!bsdf) { isect.SkipIntersection(&ray, si->tHit); continue; }
<<Initialize visibleSurf at first intersection>> 
if (depth == 0 && visibleSurf) { <<Estimate BSDF’s albedo>> 
<<Define sample arrays ucRho and uRho for reflectance estimate>> 
constexpr int nRhoSamples = 16; const Float ucRho[nRhoSamples] = { 0.75741637, 0.37870818, 0.7083487, 0.18935409, 0.9149363, 0.35417435, 0.5990858, 0.09467703, 0.8578725, 0.45746812, 0.686759, 0.17708716, 0.9674518, 0.2995429, 0.5083201, 0.047338516 }; const Point2f uRho[nRhoSamples] = { Point2f(0.855985, 0.570367), Point2f(0.381823, 0.851844), Point2f(0.285328, 0.764262), Point2f(0.733380, 0.114073), Point2f(0.542663, 0.344465), Point2f(0.127274, 0.414848), Point2f(0.964700, 0.947162), Point2f(0.594089, 0.643463), Point2f(0.095109, 0.170369), Point2f(0.825444, 0.263359), Point2f(0.429467, 0.454469), Point2f(0.244460, 0.816459), Point2f(0.756135, 0.731258), Point2f(0.516165, 0.152852), Point2f(0.180888, 0.214174), Point2f(0.898579, 0.503897) };
SampledSpectrum albedo = bsdf.rho(isect.wo, ucRho, uRho);
*visibleSurf = VisibleSurface(isect, albedo, lambda); }
<<Terminate path if maximum depth reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) return L;
<<Possibly regularize the BSDF>> 
if (regularize && anyNonSpecularBounces) bsdf.Regularize();
<<Sample illumination from lights to find attenuated path contribution>> 
if (IsNonSpecular(bsdf.Flags())) L += SampleLd(isect, &bsdf, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u); prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(isect);
<<Sample BSDF to get new volumetric path direction>> 
Vector3f wo = isect.wo; Float u = sampler.Get1D(); pstd::optional<BSDFSample> bs = bsdf.Sample_f(wo, u, sampler.Get2D()); if (!bs) break; <<Update beta and rescaled path probabilities for BSDF scattering>> 
beta *= bs->f * AbsDot(bs->wi, isect.shading.n) / bs->pdf; if (bs->pdfIsProportional) r_l = r_u / bsdf.PDF(wo, bs->wi); else r_l = r_u / bs->pdf;
<<Update volumetric integrator path state after surface scattering>> 
specularBounce = bs->IsSpecular(); anyNonSpecularBounces |= !bs->IsSpecular(); if (bs->IsTransmission()) etaScale *= Sqr(bs->eta); ray = isect.SpawnRay(ray, bsdf, bs->wi, bs->flags, bs->eta);
<<Account for attenuated subsurface scattering, if applicable>> 
BSSRDF bssrdf = isect.GetBSSRDF(ray, lambda, camera, scratchBuffer); if (bssrdf && bs->IsTransmission()) { <<Sample BSSRDF probe segment to find exit point>> 
Float uc = sampler.Get1D(); Point2f up = sampler.Get2D(); pstd::optional<BSSRDFProbeSegment> probeSeg = bssrdf.SampleSp(uc, up); if (!probeSeg) break;
<<Sample random intersection along BSSRDF probe segment>> 
uint64_t seed = MixBits(FloatToBits(sampler.Get1D())); WeightedReservoirSampler<SubsurfaceInteraction> interactionSampler(seed); <<Intersect BSSRDF sampling ray against the scene geometry>> 
Interaction base(probeSeg->p0, ray.time, Medium()); while (true) { Ray r = base.SpawnRayTo(probeSeg->p1); pstd::optional<ShapeIntersection> si = Intersect(r, 1); if (!si) break; base = si->intr; if (si->intr.material == isect.material) interactionSampler.Add(SubsurfaceInteraction(si->intr), 1.f); }
if (!interactionSampler.HasSample()) break;
<<Convert probe intersection to BSSRDFSample>> 
SubsurfaceInteraction ssi = interactionSampler.GetSample(); BSSRDFSample bssrdfSample = bssrdf.ProbeIntersectionToSample(ssi, scratchBuffer); if (!bssrdfSample.Sp || !bssrdfSample.pdf) break;
<<Update path state for subsurface scattering>> 
Float pdf = interactionSampler.SampleProbability() * bssrdfSample.pdf[0]; beta *= bssrdfSample.Sp / pdf; r_u *= bssrdfSample.pdf / bssrdfSample.pdf[0]; SurfaceInteraction pi = ssi; pi.wo = bssrdfSample.wo; prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(pi); <<Possibly regularize subsurface BSDF>> 
BSDF &Sw = bssrdfSample.Sw; anyNonSpecularBounces = true; if (regularize) Sw.Regularize();
<<Account for attenuated direct illumination subsurface scattering>> 
L += SampleLd(pi, &Sw, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u);
<<Sample ray for indirect subsurface scattering>> 
Float u = sampler.Get1D(); pstd::optional<BSDFSample> bs = Sw.Sample_f(pi.wo, u, sampler.Get2D()); if (!bs) break; beta *= bs->f * AbsDot(bs->wi, pi.shading.n) / bs->pdf; r_l = r_u / bs->pdf; specularBounce = bs->IsSpecular(); ray = RayDifferential(pi.SpawnRay(bs->wi));
<<Possibly terminate volumetric path with Russian roulette>> 
SampledSpectrum rrBeta = beta * etaScale / r_u.Average(); Float uRR = sampler.Get1D(); if (rrBeta.MaxComponentValue() < 1 && depth > 1) { Float q = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - rrBeta.MaxComponentValue()); if (uRR < q) break; beta /= 1 - q; }
} return L; }

There is a common factor of p Subscript normal u comma lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis in the denominator of the first term of the two-sample MIS estimator, Equation (14.24), and the numerator of the MIS weights, Equation (14.25). There is a corresponding p Subscript normal l comma lamda 1 factor in the second term of the estimator and in the w Subscript normal l weight. It is tempting to cancel these out; in that case, the path state to be tracked by the integrator would consist of ModifyingAbove upper T With caret left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis and the wavelength-dependent probabilities p Subscript normal u Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis and p Subscript normal l Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis . Doing so is mathematically valid and would provide all the quantities necessary to evaluate Equation (14.24), but suffers from the problem that the quantities involved may overflow or underflow the range of representable floating-point values.

To understand the problem, consider a highly specular surface—the BSDF will have a large value for directions around its peak, but the PDF for sampling those directions will also be large. That causes no problems in the PathIntegrator, since its beta variable tracks their ratio, which ends up being close to 1. However, with ModifyingAbove upper T With caret left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis maintained independently, a series of specular bounces could lead to overflow. (Many null-scattering events along a path can cause similar problems.)

Therefore, the VolPathIntegrator tracks the path throughput weight for the sampled path

beta left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis equals StartFraction ModifyingAbove upper T With caret left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis Over p Subscript normal u comma lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis EndFraction comma

which is numerically well behaved. Directly tracking the probabilities p Subscript normal u Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis and p Subscript normal l Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis would also stress the range of floating-point numbers, so instead it tracks the rescaled path probabilities

r Subscript normal u comma lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis equals StartFraction p Subscript normal u comma lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis Over p Subscript normal p normal a normal t normal h Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis EndFraction and r Subscript normal l comma lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis equals StartFraction p Subscript normal l comma lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis Over p Subscript normal p normal a normal t normal h Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis EndFraction comma

where p Subscript normal p normal a normal t normal h Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis is the probability for sampling the current path. It is equal to the light path probability p Subscript normal l comma lamda 1 for paths that end with a shadow ray from light path sampling and the unidirectional path probability otherwise. (Later in the implementation, we will take advantage of the fact that these two probabilities are the same until the last scattering vertex, which in turn implies that whichever of them is chosen for p Subscript normal p normal a normal t normal h does not affect the values of r Subscript normal u comma lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis and r Subscript normal l comma lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n minus 1 Baseline right-parenthesis .)

These rescaled path probabilities are all easily incrementally updated during path sampling. If p Subscript normal p normal a normal t normal h Baseline equals p Subscript normal u comma lamda 1 , then MIS weights like those in Equation (14.25) can be found with

w Subscript normal u Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis equals StartStartFraction 1 OverOver StartFraction 1 Over m EndFraction left-parenthesis sigma-summation Underscript i Overscript m Endscripts r Subscript normal u comma lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis plus sigma-summation Underscript i Overscript m Endscripts r Subscript normal l comma lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis right-parenthesis EndEndFraction comma

and similarly for w Subscript normal l when p Subscript normal p normal a normal t normal h Baseline equals p Subscript normal l comma lamda 1 .

The remaining variables in the following fragment have the same function as the variables of the same names in the PathIntegrator.

<<Declare state variables for volumetric path sampling>>= 
SampledSpectrum L(0.f), beta(1.f), r_u(1.f), r_l(1.f); bool specularBounce = false, anyNonSpecularBounces = false; int depth = 0; Float etaScale = 1;

The while loop for each ray segment starts out similarly to the corresponding loop in the SimpleVolPathIntegrator: the integrator traces a ray to find a t Subscript normal m normal a normal x value at the closest surface intersection before sampling the medium, if any, between the ray origin and the intersection point.

<<Sample segment of volumetric scattering path>>= 
pstd::optional<ShapeIntersection> si = Intersect(ray); if (ray.medium) { <<Sample the participating medium>> 
bool scattered = false, terminated = false; Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : Infinity; <<Initialize RNG for sampling the majorant transmittance>> 
uint64_t hash0 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); uint64_t hash1 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); RNG rng(hash0, hash1);
SampledSpectrum T_maj = SampleT_maj(ray, tMax, sampler.Get1D(), rng, lambda, [&](Point3f p, MediumProperties mp, SampledSpectrum sigma_maj, SampledSpectrum T_maj) { <<Handle medium scattering event for ray>> 
<<Add emission from medium scattering event>> 
if (depth < maxDepth && mp.Le) { <<Compute beta prime at new path vertex>> 
Float pdf = sigma_maj[0] * T_maj[0]; SampledSpectrum betap = beta * T_maj / pdf;
<<Compute rescaled path probability for absorption at path vertex>> 
SampledSpectrum r_e = r_u * sigma_maj * T_maj / pdf;
<<Update L for medium emission>> 
if (r_e) L += betap * mp.sigma_a * mp.Le / r_e.Average();
<<Compute medium event probabilities for interaction>> 
Float pAbsorb = mp.sigma_a[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pScatter = mp.sigma_s[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pNull = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - pAbsorb - pScatter);
<<Sample medium scattering event type and update path>> 
Float um = rng.Uniform<Float>(); int mode = SampleDiscrete({pAbsorb, pScatter, pNull}, um); if (mode == 0) { <<Handle absorption along ray path>> 
terminated = true; return false;
} else if (mode == 1) { <<Handle scattering along ray path>> 
<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Update beta and r_u for real-scattering event>> 
Float pdf = T_maj[0] * mp.sigma_s[0]; beta *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf;
if (beta && r_u) { <<Sample direct lighting at volume-scattering event>> 
MediumInteraction intr(p, -ray.d, ray.time, ray.medium, mp.phase); L += SampleLd(intr, nullptr, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u);
<<Sample new direction at real-scattering event>> 
Point2f u = sampler.Get2D(); pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = intr.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps || ps->pdf == 0) terminated = true; else { <<Update ray path state for indirect volume scattering>> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; r_l = r_u / ps->pdf; prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(intr); scattered = true; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; specularBounce = false; anyNonSpecularBounces = true;
} return false;
} else { <<Handle null scattering along ray path>> 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_n[0]; beta *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; if (pdf == 0) beta = SampledSpectrum(0.f); r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; return beta && r_u;
}); <<Handle terminated, scattered, and unscattered medium rays>> 
if (terminated || !beta || !r_u) return L; if (scattered) continue; beta *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_u *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_l *= T_maj / T_maj[0];
} <<Handle surviving unscattered rays>> 
<<Add emitted light at volume path vertex or from the environment>> 
if (!si) { <<Accumulate contributions from infinite light sources>> 
for (const auto &light : infiniteLights) { if (SampledSpectrum Le = light.Le(ray, lambda); Le) { if (depth == 0 || specularBounce) L += beta * Le / r_u.Average(); else { <<Add infinite light contribution using both PDFs with MIS>> 
Float lightPDF = lightSampler.PMF(prevIntrContext, light) * light.PDF_Li(prevIntrContext, ray.d, true); r_l *= lightPDF; L += beta * Le / (r_u + r_l).Average();
} } }
break; } SurfaceInteraction &isect = si->intr; if (SampledSpectrum Le = isect.Le(-ray.d, lambda); Le) { <<Add contribution of emission from intersected surface>> 
if (depth == 0 || specularBounce) L += beta * Le / r_u.Average(); else { <<Add surface light contribution using both PDFs with MIS>> 
Light areaLight(isect.areaLight); Float lightPDF = lightSampler.PMF(prevIntrContext, areaLight) * areaLight.PDF_Li(prevIntrContext, ray.d, true); r_l *= lightPDF; L += beta * Le / (r_u + r_l).Average();
<<Get BSDF and skip over medium boundaries>> 
BSDF bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, lambda, camera, scratchBuffer, sampler); if (!bsdf) { isect.SkipIntersection(&ray, si->tHit); continue; }
<<Initialize visibleSurf at first intersection>> 
if (depth == 0 && visibleSurf) { <<Estimate BSDF’s albedo>> 
<<Define sample arrays ucRho and uRho for reflectance estimate>> 
constexpr int nRhoSamples = 16; const Float ucRho[nRhoSamples] = { 0.75741637, 0.37870818, 0.7083487, 0.18935409, 0.9149363, 0.35417435, 0.5990858, 0.09467703, 0.8578725, 0.45746812, 0.686759, 0.17708716, 0.9674518, 0.2995429, 0.5083201, 0.047338516 }; const Point2f uRho[nRhoSamples] = { Point2f(0.855985, 0.570367), Point2f(0.381823, 0.851844), Point2f(0.285328, 0.764262), Point2f(0.733380, 0.114073), Point2f(0.542663, 0.344465), Point2f(0.127274, 0.414848), Point2f(0.964700, 0.947162), Point2f(0.594089, 0.643463), Point2f(0.095109, 0.170369), Point2f(0.825444, 0.263359), Point2f(0.429467, 0.454469), Point2f(0.244460, 0.816459), Point2f(0.756135, 0.731258), Point2f(0.516165, 0.152852), Point2f(0.180888, 0.214174), Point2f(0.898579, 0.503897) };
SampledSpectrum albedo = bsdf.rho(isect.wo, ucRho, uRho);
*visibleSurf = VisibleSurface(isect, albedo, lambda); }
<<Terminate path if maximum depth reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) return L;
<<Possibly regularize the BSDF>> 
if (regularize && anyNonSpecularBounces) bsdf.Regularize();
<<Sample illumination from lights to find attenuated path contribution>> 
if (IsNonSpecular(bsdf.Flags())) L += SampleLd(isect, &bsdf, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u); prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(isect);
<<Sample BSDF to get new volumetric path direction>> 
Vector3f wo = isect.wo; Float u = sampler.Get1D(); pstd::optional<BSDFSample> bs = bsdf.Sample_f(wo, u, sampler.Get2D()); if (!bs) break; <<Update beta and rescaled path probabilities for BSDF scattering>> 
beta *= bs->f * AbsDot(bs->wi, isect.shading.n) / bs->pdf; if (bs->pdfIsProportional) r_l = r_u / bsdf.PDF(wo, bs->wi); else r_l = r_u / bs->pdf;
<<Update volumetric integrator path state after surface scattering>> 
specularBounce = bs->IsSpecular(); anyNonSpecularBounces |= !bs->IsSpecular(); if (bs->IsTransmission()) etaScale *= Sqr(bs->eta); ray = isect.SpawnRay(ray, bsdf, bs->wi, bs->flags, bs->eta);
<<Account for attenuated subsurface scattering, if applicable>> 
BSSRDF bssrdf = isect.GetBSSRDF(ray, lambda, camera, scratchBuffer); if (bssrdf && bs->IsTransmission()) { <<Sample BSSRDF probe segment to find exit point>> 
Float uc = sampler.Get1D(); Point2f up = sampler.Get2D(); pstd::optional<BSSRDFProbeSegment> probeSeg = bssrdf.SampleSp(uc, up); if (!probeSeg) break;
<<Sample random intersection along BSSRDF probe segment>> 
uint64_t seed = MixBits(FloatToBits(sampler.Get1D())); WeightedReservoirSampler<SubsurfaceInteraction> interactionSampler(seed); <<Intersect BSSRDF sampling ray against the scene geometry>> 
Interaction base(probeSeg->p0, ray.time, Medium()); while (true) { Ray r = base.SpawnRayTo(probeSeg->p1); pstd::optional<ShapeIntersection> si = Intersect(r, 1); if (!si) break; base = si->intr; if (si->intr.material == isect.material) interactionSampler.Add(SubsurfaceInteraction(si->intr), 1.f); }
if (!interactionSampler.HasSample()) break;
<<Convert probe intersection to BSSRDFSample>> 
SubsurfaceInteraction ssi = interactionSampler.GetSample(); BSSRDFSample bssrdfSample = bssrdf.ProbeIntersectionToSample(ssi, scratchBuffer); if (!bssrdfSample.Sp || !bssrdfSample.pdf) break;
<<Update path state for subsurface scattering>> 
Float pdf = interactionSampler.SampleProbability() * bssrdfSample.pdf[0]; beta *= bssrdfSample.Sp / pdf; r_u *= bssrdfSample.pdf / bssrdfSample.pdf[0]; SurfaceInteraction pi = ssi; pi.wo = bssrdfSample.wo; prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(pi); <<Possibly regularize subsurface BSDF>> 
BSDF &Sw = bssrdfSample.Sw; anyNonSpecularBounces = true; if (regularize) Sw.Regularize();
<<Account for attenuated direct illumination subsurface scattering>> 
L += SampleLd(pi, &Sw, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u);
<<Sample ray for indirect subsurface scattering>> 
Float u = sampler.Get1D(); pstd::optional<BSDFSample> bs = Sw.Sample_f(pi.wo, u, sampler.Get2D()); if (!bs) break; beta *= bs->f * AbsDot(bs->wi, pi.shading.n) / bs->pdf; r_l = r_u / bs->pdf; specularBounce = bs->IsSpecular(); ray = RayDifferential(pi.SpawnRay(bs->wi));
<<Possibly terminate volumetric path with Russian roulette>> 
SampledSpectrum rrBeta = beta * etaScale / r_u.Average(); Float uRR = sampler.Get1D(); if (rrBeta.MaxComponentValue() < 1 && depth > 1) { Float q = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - rrBeta.MaxComponentValue()); if (uRR < q) break; beta /= 1 - q; }

The form of the fragment for sampling the medium is similar as well: tMax is set using the ray intersection t , if available, and an RNG is prepared before medium sampling proceeds. If the path is terminated or undergoes real scattering in the medium, then no further work is done to sample surface scattering at a ray intersection point.

<<Sample the participating medium>>= 
bool scattered = false, terminated = false; Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : Infinity; <<Initialize RNG for sampling the majorant transmittance>> 
uint64_t hash0 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); uint64_t hash1 = Hash(sampler.Get1D()); RNG rng(hash0, hash1);
SampledSpectrum T_maj = SampleT_maj(ray, tMax, sampler.Get1D(), rng, lambda, [&](Point3f p, MediumProperties mp, SampledSpectrum sigma_maj, SampledSpectrum T_maj) { <<Handle medium scattering event for ray>> 
<<Add emission from medium scattering event>> 
if (depth < maxDepth && mp.Le) { <<Compute beta prime at new path vertex>> 
Float pdf = sigma_maj[0] * T_maj[0]; SampledSpectrum betap = beta * T_maj / pdf;
<<Compute rescaled path probability for absorption at path vertex>> 
SampledSpectrum r_e = r_u * sigma_maj * T_maj / pdf;
<<Update L for medium emission>> 
if (r_e) L += betap * mp.sigma_a * mp.Le / r_e.Average();
<<Compute medium event probabilities for interaction>> 
Float pAbsorb = mp.sigma_a[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pScatter = mp.sigma_s[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pNull = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - pAbsorb - pScatter);
<<Sample medium scattering event type and update path>> 
Float um = rng.Uniform<Float>(); int mode = SampleDiscrete({pAbsorb, pScatter, pNull}, um); if (mode == 0) { <<Handle absorption along ray path>> 
terminated = true; return false;
} else if (mode == 1) { <<Handle scattering along ray path>> 
<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Update beta and r_u for real-scattering event>> 
Float pdf = T_maj[0] * mp.sigma_s[0]; beta *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf;
if (beta && r_u) { <<Sample direct lighting at volume-scattering event>> 
MediumInteraction intr(p, -ray.d, ray.time, ray.medium, mp.phase); L += SampleLd(intr, nullptr, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u);
<<Sample new direction at real-scattering event>> 
Point2f u = sampler.Get2D(); pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = intr.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps || ps->pdf == 0) terminated = true; else { <<Update ray path state for indirect volume scattering>> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; r_l = r_u / ps->pdf; prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(intr); scattered = true; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; specularBounce = false; anyNonSpecularBounces = true;
} return false;
} else { <<Handle null scattering along ray path>> 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_n[0]; beta *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; if (pdf == 0) beta = SampledSpectrum(0.f); r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; return beta && r_u;
}); <<Handle terminated, scattered, and unscattered medium rays>> 
if (terminated || !beta || !r_u) return L; if (scattered) continue; beta *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_u *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_l *= T_maj / T_maj[0];

Given a sampled point normal p prime in the medium, the lambda function’s task is to evaluate the upper L Subscript normal n source function, taking care of the second case of Equation (14.7).

<<Handle medium scattering event for ray>>= 
<<Add emission from medium scattering event>> 
if (depth < maxDepth && mp.Le) { <<Compute beta prime at new path vertex>> 
Float pdf = sigma_maj[0] * T_maj[0]; SampledSpectrum betap = beta * T_maj / pdf;
<<Compute rescaled path probability for absorption at path vertex>> 
SampledSpectrum r_e = r_u * sigma_maj * T_maj / pdf;
<<Update L for medium emission>> 
if (r_e) L += betap * mp.sigma_a * mp.Le / r_e.Average();
<<Compute medium event probabilities for interaction>> 
Float pAbsorb = mp.sigma_a[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pScatter = mp.sigma_s[0] / sigma_maj[0]; Float pNull = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - pAbsorb - pScatter);
<<Sample medium scattering event type and update path>> 
Float um = rng.Uniform<Float>(); int mode = SampleDiscrete({pAbsorb, pScatter, pNull}, um); if (mode == 0) { <<Handle absorption along ray path>> 
terminated = true; return false;
} else if (mode == 1) { <<Handle scattering along ray path>> 
<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Update beta and r_u for real-scattering event>> 
Float pdf = T_maj[0] * mp.sigma_s[0]; beta *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf;
if (beta && r_u) { <<Sample direct lighting at volume-scattering event>> 
MediumInteraction intr(p, -ray.d, ray.time, ray.medium, mp.phase); L += SampleLd(intr, nullptr, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u);
<<Sample new direction at real-scattering event>> 
Point2f u = sampler.Get2D(); pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = intr.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps || ps->pdf == 0) terminated = true; else { <<Update ray path state for indirect volume scattering>> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; r_l = r_u / ps->pdf; prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(intr); scattered = true; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; specularBounce = false; anyNonSpecularBounces = true;
} return false;
} else { <<Handle null scattering along ray path>> 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_n[0]; beta *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; if (pdf == 0) beta = SampledSpectrum(0.f); r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; return beta && r_u;

A small difference from the SimpleVolPathIntegrator is that volumetric emission is added at every point that is sampled in the medium rather than only when the absorption case is sampled. There is no reason not to do so, since emission is already available via the MediumProperties passed to the lambda function.

<<Add emission from medium scattering event>>= 
if (depth < maxDepth && mp.Le) { <<Compute beta prime at new path vertex>> 
Float pdf = sigma_maj[0] * T_maj[0]; SampledSpectrum betap = beta * T_maj / pdf;
<<Compute rescaled path probability for absorption at path vertex>> 
SampledSpectrum r_e = r_u * sigma_maj * T_maj / pdf;
<<Update L for medium emission>> 
if (r_e) L += betap * mp.sigma_a * mp.Le / r_e.Average();

In the following, we will sometimes use the notation left-bracket normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline plus normal p prime right-bracket to denote the path normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n with the vertex normal p prime appended to it. Thus, for example, normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline equals left-bracket normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n minus 1 Baseline plus normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n Baseline right-bracket . The estimator that gives the contribution for volumetric emission at normal p prime is then

beta left-parenthesis left-bracket normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline plus normal p Superscript prime Baseline right-bracket right-parenthesis sigma Subscript normal a Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Superscript prime Baseline right-parenthesis upper L Subscript normal e Baseline left-parenthesis normal p prime right-arrow normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis period

beta holds beta left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis , so we can incrementally compute beta left-parenthesis left-bracket normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline plus normal p prime right-bracket right-parenthesis by

beta left-parenthesis left-bracket normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline plus normal p Superscript prime Baseline right-bracket right-parenthesis equals StartFraction beta left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis upper T Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n Baseline right-arrow normal p Superscript prime Baseline right-parenthesis Over p Subscript normal e Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Superscript prime Baseline right-parenthesis p Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline left-parenthesis normal p prime vertical-bar normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript n Baseline comma omega Subscript Baseline right-parenthesis EndFraction period

From Section 14.1.5, we know that p Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i plus 1 Baseline vertical-bar normal p Subscript Baseline Subscript i Baseline comma omega Subscript Baseline right-parenthesis equals sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline normal e Superscript minus sigma Super Subscript normal m normal a normal j Superscript t . Because we are always sampling absorption (at least as far as including emission goes), p Subscript normal e is 1 here.

<<Compute beta prime at new path vertex>>= 
Float pdf = sigma_maj[0] * T_maj[0]; SampledSpectrum betap = beta * T_maj / pdf;

Even though this is the only sampling technique for volumetric emission, different wavelengths may sample this vertex with different probabilities, so it is worthwhile to apply MIS over the wavelengths’ probabilities. With r_u storing the rescaled unidirectional probabilities up to the previous path vertex, the rescaled path probabilities for sampling the emissive vertex, r_e, can be found by multiplying r_u by the per-wavelength p Subscript normal m normal a normal j probabilities and dividing by the probability for the wavelength that was used for sampling normal p prime , which is already available in pdf. (Note that in monochromatic media, these ratios are all 1.)

<<Compute rescaled path probability for absorption at path vertex>>= 
SampledSpectrum r_e = r_u * sigma_maj * T_maj / pdf;

Here we have a single-sample MIS estimator with balance heuristic weights given by

w Subscript normal e Baseline left-parenthesis left-bracket normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline plus normal p Superscript prime Baseline right-bracket right-parenthesis equals StartStartFraction 1 OverOver StartFraction 1 Over m EndFraction sigma-summation Underscript i Overscript m Endscripts r Subscript normal e comma lamda Sub Subscript i Subscript Baseline left-parenthesis left-bracket normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline plus normal p Superscript prime Baseline right-bracket right-parenthesis EndEndFraction period

The absorption coefficient and emitted radiance for evaluating Equation (14.28) are available in MediumProperties and the SampledSpectrum::Average() method conveniently computes the average of rescaled probabilities in the denominator of Equation (14.29).

<<Update L for medium emission>>= 
if (r_e) L += betap * mp.sigma_a * mp.Le / r_e.Average();

Briefly returning to the initialization of betap and r_e in the previous fragments: it may seem tempting to cancel out the T_maj factors from them, but note how the final estimator does not perform a component-wise division of these two quantities but instead divides by the average of the rescaled probabilities when computing the MIS weight. Thus, performing such cancellations would lead to incorrect results.

After emission is handled, the next step is to determine which term of upper L Subscript normal n to evaluate; this follows the same approach as in the SimpleVolPathIntegrator.

<<Sample medium scattering event type and update path>>= 
Float um = rng.Uniform<Float>(); int mode = SampleDiscrete({pAbsorb, pScatter, pNull}, um); if (mode == 0) { <<Handle absorption along ray path>> 
terminated = true; return false;
} else if (mode == 1) { <<Handle scattering along ray path>> 
<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Update beta and r_u for real-scattering event>> 
Float pdf = T_maj[0] * mp.sigma_s[0]; beta *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf;
if (beta && r_u) { <<Sample direct lighting at volume-scattering event>> 
MediumInteraction intr(p, -ray.d, ray.time, ray.medium, mp.phase); L += SampleLd(intr, nullptr, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u);
<<Sample new direction at real-scattering event>> 
Point2f u = sampler.Get2D(); pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = intr.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps || ps->pdf == 0) terminated = true; else { <<Update ray path state for indirect volume scattering>> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; r_l = r_u / ps->pdf; prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(intr); scattered = true; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; specularBounce = false; anyNonSpecularBounces = true;
} return false;
} else { <<Handle null scattering along ray path>> 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_n[0]; beta *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; if (pdf == 0) beta = SampledSpectrum(0.f); r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; return beta && r_u;

As before, the ray path is terminated in the event of absorption. Since any volumetric emission at the sampled point has already been added, there is nothing to do but handle the details associated with ending the path.

<<Handle absorption along ray path>>= 
terminated = true; return false;

For a real-scattering event, a shadow ray is traced to a light to sample direct lighting, and the path state is updated to account for the new ray. A false value returned from the lambda function prevents further sample generation along the current ray.

<<Handle scattering along ray path>>= 
<<Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) { terminated = true; return false; }
<<Update beta and r_u for real-scattering event>> 
Float pdf = T_maj[0] * mp.sigma_s[0]; beta *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf;
if (beta && r_u) { <<Sample direct lighting at volume-scattering event>> 
MediumInteraction intr(p, -ray.d, ray.time, ray.medium, mp.phase); L += SampleLd(intr, nullptr, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u);
<<Sample new direction at real-scattering event>> 
Point2f u = sampler.Get2D(); pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = intr.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps || ps->pdf == 0) terminated = true; else { <<Update ray path state for indirect volume scattering>> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; r_l = r_u / ps->pdf; prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(intr); scattered = true; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; specularBounce = false; anyNonSpecularBounces = true;
} return false;

The PDF for real scattering at this vertex is the product of the PDF for sampling its distance along the ray, sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j Baseline normal e Superscript minus sigma Super Subscript normal m normal a normal j Superscript t , and the probability for sampling real scattering, sigma Subscript normal s Baseline left-parenthesis normal p prime right-parenthesis slash sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j . The sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j values cancel.

Given the PDF value, beta can be updated to include upper T Subscript normal m normal a normal j along the segment up to the new vertex divided by the PDF. The rescaled probabilities are computed in the same way as the path sampling PDF before being divided by it, following Equation (14.26). The rescaled light path probabilities will be set shortly, after a new ray direction is sampled.

<<Update beta and r_u for real-scattering event>>= 
Float pdf = T_maj[0] * mp.sigma_s[0]; beta *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * mp.sigma_s / pdf;

Direct lighting is handled by the SampleLd() method, which we will defer until later in this section.

<<Sample direct lighting at volume-scattering event>>= 
MediumInteraction intr(p, -ray.d, ray.time, ray.medium, mp.phase); L += SampleLd(intr, nullptr, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u);

Sampling the phase function gives a new direction at the scattering event.

<<Sample new direction at real-scattering event>>= 
Point2f u = sampler.Get2D(); pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps = intr.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u); if (!ps || ps->pdf == 0) terminated = true; else { <<Update ray path state for indirect volume scattering>> 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; r_l = r_u / ps->pdf; prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(intr); scattered = true; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; specularBounce = false; anyNonSpecularBounces = true;

There is a bit of bookkeeping to take care of after a real-scattering event. We can now incorporate the phase function value into beta, which completes the contribution of ModifyingAbove f With caret from Equation (14.12). Because both unidirectional path sampling and light path sampling use the same set of sampling operations up to a real-scattering vertex, an initial value for the rescaled light path sampling probabilities r_l comes from the value of the rescaled unidirectional probabilities before scattering. It is divided by the directional PDF from p Subscript normal u comma lamda 1 for this vertex here. The associated directional PDF for light sampling at this vertex will be incorporated into r_l later. There is no need to update r_u here, since the scattering direction’s probability is the same for all wavelengths and so the update factor would always be 1.

At this point, the integrator also updates various variables that record the scattering history and updates the current ray.

<<Update ray path state for indirect volume scattering>>= 
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf; r_l = r_u / ps->pdf; prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(intr); scattered = true; ray.o = p; ray.d = ps->wi; specularBounce = false; anyNonSpecularBounces = true;

If the ray intersects a light source, the LightSampleContext from the previous path vertex will be needed to compute MIS weights; prevIntrContext is updated to store it after each scattering event, whether in a medium or on a surface.

<<Declare state variables for volumetric path sampling>>+= 
LightSampleContext prevIntrContext;

If null scattering is selected, the updates to beta and the rescaled path sampling probabilities follow the same form as we have seen previously: the former is given by Equation (14.11) and the latter with a p Subscript normal e Baseline equals sigma Subscript normal n Baseline slash sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j factor where, as with real scattering, the sigma Subscript normal m normal a normal j cancels with a corresponding factor from the p Subscript normal m normal a normal j probability (Section 14.1.5).

In this case, we also must update the rescaled path probabilities for sampling this path vertex via light path sampling, which samples path vertices according to p Subscript normal m normal a normal j .

This fragment concludes the implementation of the lambda function that is passed to the SampleT_maj() function.

<<Handle null scattering along ray path>>= 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_n[0]; beta *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; if (pdf == 0) beta = SampledSpectrum(0.f); r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; return beta && r_u;

Returning to the Li() method immediately after the SampleT_maj() call, if the path terminated due to absorption, it is only here that we can break out and return the radiance estimate to the caller of the Li() method. Further, it is only here that we can jump back to the start of the while loop for rays that were scattered in the medium.

<<Handle terminated, scattered, and unscattered medium rays>>= 
if (terminated || !beta || !r_u) return L; if (scattered) continue;

With those cases taken care of, we are left with rays that either underwent no scattering events in the medium or only underwent null scattering. For those cases, both the path throughput weight beta and the rescaled path probabilities must be updated. beta takes a factor of upper T Subscript normal m normal a normal j to account for the transmittance from either the last null-scattering event or the ray’s origin to the ray’s t Subscript normal m normal a normal x position. The rescaled unidirectional and light sampling probabilities also take the same upper T Subscript normal m normal a normal j , which corresponds to the final factors outside of the parenthesis in the definitions of p Subscript normal n normal u normal l normal l and p Subscript normal r normal a normal t normal i normal o .

<<Handle terminated, scattered, and unscattered medium rays>>+= 
beta *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_u *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_l *= T_maj / T_maj[0];

There is much more to do for rays that have either escaped the scene or have intersected a surface without medium scattering or absorption. We will defer discussion of the first following fragment, <<Add emitted light at volume path vertex or from the environment>>, until later in the section when we discuss the direct lighting calculation. A few of the others are implemented reusing fragments from earlier integrators.

<<Handle surviving unscattered rays>>= 
<<Add emitted light at volume path vertex or from the environment>> 
if (!si) { <<Accumulate contributions from infinite light sources>> 
for (const auto &light : infiniteLights) { if (SampledSpectrum Le = light.Le(ray, lambda); Le) { if (depth == 0 || specularBounce) L += beta * Le / r_u.Average(); else { <<Add infinite light contribution using both PDFs with MIS>> 
Float lightPDF = lightSampler.PMF(prevIntrContext, light) * light.PDF_Li(prevIntrContext, ray.d, true); r_l *= lightPDF; L += beta * Le / (r_u + r_l).Average();
} } }
break; } SurfaceInteraction &isect = si->intr; if (SampledSpectrum Le = isect.Le(-ray.d, lambda); Le) { <<Add contribution of emission from intersected surface>> 
if (depth == 0 || specularBounce) L += beta * Le / r_u.Average(); else { <<Add surface light contribution using both PDFs with MIS>> 
Light areaLight(isect.areaLight); Float lightPDF = lightSampler.PMF(prevIntrContext, areaLight) * areaLight.PDF_Li(prevIntrContext, ray.d, true); r_l *= lightPDF; L += beta * Le / (r_u + r_l).Average();
<<Get BSDF and skip over medium boundaries>> 
BSDF bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, lambda, camera, scratchBuffer, sampler); if (!bsdf) { isect.SkipIntersection(&ray, si->tHit); continue; }
<<Initialize visibleSurf at first intersection>> 
if (depth == 0 && visibleSurf) { <<Estimate BSDF’s albedo>> 
<<Define sample arrays ucRho and uRho for reflectance estimate>> 
constexpr int nRhoSamples = 16; const Float ucRho[nRhoSamples] = { 0.75741637, 0.37870818, 0.7083487, 0.18935409, 0.9149363, 0.35417435, 0.5990858, 0.09467703, 0.8578725, 0.45746812, 0.686759, 0.17708716, 0.9674518, 0.2995429, 0.5083201, 0.047338516 }; const Point2f uRho[nRhoSamples] = { Point2f(0.855985, 0.570367), Point2f(0.381823, 0.851844), Point2f(0.285328, 0.764262), Point2f(0.733380, 0.114073), Point2f(0.542663, 0.344465), Point2f(0.127274, 0.414848), Point2f(0.964700, 0.947162), Point2f(0.594089, 0.643463), Point2f(0.095109, 0.170369), Point2f(0.825444, 0.263359), Point2f(0.429467, 0.454469), Point2f(0.244460, 0.816459), Point2f(0.756135, 0.731258), Point2f(0.516165, 0.152852), Point2f(0.180888, 0.214174), Point2f(0.898579, 0.503897) };
SampledSpectrum albedo = bsdf.rho(isect.wo, ucRho, uRho);
*visibleSurf = VisibleSurface(isect, albedo, lambda); }
<<Terminate path if maximum depth reached>> 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) return L;
<<Possibly regularize the BSDF>> 
if (regularize && anyNonSpecularBounces) bsdf.Regularize();
<<Sample illumination from lights to find attenuated path contribution>> 
if (IsNonSpecular(bsdf.Flags())) L += SampleLd(isect, &bsdf, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u); prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(isect);
<<Sample BSDF to get new volumetric path direction>> 
Vector3f wo = isect.wo; Float u = sampler.Get1D(); pstd::optional<BSDFSample> bs = bsdf.Sample_f(wo, u, sampler.Get2D()); if (!bs) break; <<Update beta and rescaled path probabilities for BSDF scattering>> 
beta *= bs->f * AbsDot(bs->wi, isect.shading.n) / bs->pdf; if (bs->pdfIsProportional) r_l = r_u / bsdf.PDF(wo, bs->wi); else r_l = r_u / bs->pdf;
<<Update volumetric integrator path state after surface scattering>> 
specularBounce = bs->IsSpecular(); anyNonSpecularBounces |= !bs->IsSpecular(); if (bs->IsTransmission()) etaScale *= Sqr(bs->eta); ray = isect.SpawnRay(ray, bsdf, bs->wi, bs->flags, bs->eta);
<<Account for attenuated subsurface scattering, if applicable>> 
BSSRDF bssrdf = isect.GetBSSRDF(ray, lambda, camera, scratchBuffer); if (bssrdf && bs->IsTransmission()) { <<Sample BSSRDF probe segment to find exit point>> 
Float uc = sampler.Get1D(); Point2f up = sampler.Get2D(); pstd::optional<BSSRDFProbeSegment> probeSeg = bssrdf.SampleSp(uc, up); if (!probeSeg) break;
<<Sample random intersection along BSSRDF probe segment>> 
uint64_t seed = MixBits(FloatToBits(sampler.Get1D())); WeightedReservoirSampler<SubsurfaceInteraction> interactionSampler(seed); <<Intersect BSSRDF sampling ray against the scene geometry>> 
Interaction base(probeSeg->p0, ray.time, Medium()); while (true) { Ray r = base.SpawnRayTo(probeSeg->p1); pstd::optional<ShapeIntersection> si = Intersect(r, 1); if (!si) break; base = si->intr; if (si->intr.material == isect.material) interactionSampler.Add(SubsurfaceInteraction(si->intr), 1.f); }
if (!interactionSampler.HasSample()) break;
<<Convert probe intersection to BSSRDFSample>> 
SubsurfaceInteraction ssi = interactionSampler.GetSample(); BSSRDFSample bssrdfSample = bssrdf.ProbeIntersectionToSample(ssi, scratchBuffer); if (!bssrdfSample.Sp || !bssrdfSample.pdf) break;
<<Update path state for subsurface scattering>> 
Float pdf = interactionSampler.SampleProbability() * bssrdfSample.pdf[0]; beta *= bssrdfSample.Sp / pdf; r_u *= bssrdfSample.pdf / bssrdfSample.pdf[0]; SurfaceInteraction pi = ssi; pi.wo = bssrdfSample.wo; prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(pi); <<Possibly regularize subsurface BSDF>> 
BSDF &Sw = bssrdfSample.Sw; anyNonSpecularBounces = true; if (regularize) Sw.Regularize();
<<Account for attenuated direct illumination subsurface scattering>> 
L += SampleLd(pi, &Sw, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u);
<<Sample ray for indirect subsurface scattering>> 
Float u = sampler.Get1D(); pstd::optional<BSDFSample> bs = Sw.Sample_f(pi.wo, u, sampler.Get2D()); if (!bs) break; beta *= bs->f * AbsDot(bs->wi, pi.shading.n) / bs->pdf; r_l = r_u / bs->pdf; specularBounce = bs->IsSpecular(); ray = RayDifferential(pi.SpawnRay(bs->wi));
<<Possibly terminate volumetric path with Russian roulette>> 
SampledSpectrum rrBeta = beta * etaScale / r_u.Average(); Float uRR = sampler.Get1D(); if (rrBeta.MaxComponentValue() < 1 && depth > 1) { Float q = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - rrBeta.MaxComponentValue()); if (uRR < q) break; beta /= 1 - q; }

As with the PathIntegrator, path termination due to reaching the maximum depth only occurs after accounting for illumination from any emissive surfaces that are intersected.

<<Terminate path if maximum depth reached>>= 
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) return L;

Sampling the light source at a surface intersection is handled by the same SampleLd() method that is called for real-scattering vertices in the medium. As with medium scattering, the LightSampleContext corresponding to this scattering event is recorded for possible later use in MIS weight calculations.

<<Sample illumination from lights to find attenuated path contribution>>= 
if (IsNonSpecular(bsdf.Flags())) L += SampleLd(isect, &bsdf, lambda, sampler, beta, r_u); prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(isect);

The logic for sampling scattering at a surface is very similar to the corresponding logic in the PathIntegrator.

<<Sample BSDF to get new volumetric path direction>>= 
Vector3f wo = isect.wo; Float u = sampler.Get1D(); pstd::optional<BSDFSample> bs = bsdf.Sample_f(wo, u, sampler.Get2D()); if (!bs) break; <<Update beta and rescaled path probabilities for BSDF scattering>> 
beta *= bs->f * AbsDot(bs->wi, isect.shading.n) / bs->pdf; if (bs->pdfIsProportional) r_l = r_u / bsdf.PDF(wo, bs->wi); else r_l = r_u / bs->pdf;
<<Update volumetric integrator path state after surface scattering>> 
specularBounce = bs->IsSpecular(); anyNonSpecularBounces |= !bs->IsSpecular(); if (bs->IsTransmission()) etaScale *= Sqr(bs->eta); ray = isect.SpawnRay(ray, bsdf, bs->wi, bs->flags, bs->eta);

Given a BSDF sample, beta is first multiplied by the value of the BSDF, which takes care of ModifyingAbove f With caret from Equation (14.12). This is also a good time to incorporate the cosine factor from the upper C Subscript normal p Sub Subscript factor of the generalized geometric term, Equation (14.13).

Updates to the rescaled path probabilities follow how they were done for medium scattering: first, there is no need to update r_u since the probabilities are the same over all wavelengths. The rescaled light path sampling probabilities are also initialized from r_u, here also with only the 1 slash p Subscript normal u comma lamda 1 factor included. The other factors in r_l will only be computed and included if the ray intersects an emitter; otherwise r_l is unused.

One nit in updating r_l is that the BSDF and PDF value returned in the BSDFSample may only be correct up to a (common) scale factor. This case comes up with sampling techniques like the random walk used by the LayeredBxDF that is described in Section 14.3.2. In that case, a call to BSDF::PDF() gives an independent value for the PDF that can be used.

<<Update beta and rescaled path probabilities for BSDF scattering>>= 
beta *= bs->f * AbsDot(bs->wi, isect.shading.n) / bs->pdf; if (bs->pdfIsProportional) r_l = r_u / bsdf.PDF(wo, bs->wi); else r_l = r_u / bs->pdf;

A few additional state variables must be updated after surface scattering, as well.

<<Update volumetric integrator path state after surface scattering>>= 
specularBounce = bs->IsSpecular(); anyNonSpecularBounces |= !bs->IsSpecular(); if (bs->IsTransmission()) etaScale *= Sqr(bs->eta); ray = isect.SpawnRay(ray, bsdf, bs->wi, bs->flags, bs->eta);

Russian roulette follows the same general approach as before, though we scale beta by the accumulated effect of radiance scaling for transmission that is encoded in etaScale and use the balance heuristic over wavelengths. If the Russian roulette test passes, beta is updated with a factor that accounts for the survival probability, 1 - q.

<<Possibly terminate volumetric path with Russian roulette>>= 
SampledSpectrum rrBeta = beta * etaScale / r_u.Average(); Float uRR = sampler.Get1D(); if (rrBeta.MaxComponentValue() < 1 && depth > 1) { Float q = std::max<Float>(0, 1 - rrBeta.MaxComponentValue()); if (uRR < q) break; beta /= 1 - q; }

Estimating Direct Illumination

All that remains in the VolPathIntegrator’s implementation is direct illumination. We will start with the SampleLd() method, which is called to estimate scattered radiance due to direct illumination by sampling a light source, both at scattering points in media and on surfaces. (It is responsible for computing the second term of Equation (14.24).) The purpose of most of its parameters should be evident. The last, r_p, gives the rescaled path probabilities up to the vertex intr. (A separate variable named r_u will be used in the function’s implementation, so a new name is needed here.)

<<VolPathIntegrator Method Definitions>>+= 
SampledSpectrum VolPathIntegrator::SampleLd(const Interaction &intr, const BSDF *bsdf, SampledWavelengths &lambda, Sampler sampler, SampledSpectrum beta, SampledSpectrum r_p) const { <<Estimate light-sampled direct illumination at intr>> 
<<Initialize LightSampleContext for volumetric light sampling>> 
LightSampleContext ctx; if (bsdf) { ctx = LightSampleContext(intr.AsSurface()); <<Try to nudge the light sampling position to correct side of the surface>> 
BxDFFlags flags = bsdf->Flags(); if (IsReflective(flags) && !IsTransmissive(flags)) ctx.pi = intr.OffsetRayOrigin(intr.wo); else if (IsTransmissive(flags) && !IsReflective(flags)) ctx.pi = intr.OffsetRayOrigin(-intr.wo);
} else ctx = LightSampleContext(intr);
<<Sample a light source using lightSampler>> 
Float u = sampler.Get1D(); pstd::optional<SampledLight> sampledLight = lightSampler.Sample(ctx, u); Point2f uLight = sampler.Get2D(); if (!sampledLight) return SampledSpectrum(0.f); Light light = sampledLight->light;
<<Sample a point on the light source>> 
pstd::optional<LightLiSample> ls = light.SampleLi(ctx, uLight, lambda, true); if (!ls || !ls->L || ls->pdf == 0) return SampledSpectrum(0.f); Float lightPDF = sampledLight->p * ls->pdf;
<<Evaluate BSDF or phase function for light sample direction>> 
Float scatterPDF; SampledSpectrum f_hat; Vector3f wo = intr.wo, wi = ls->wi; if (bsdf) { <<Update f_hat and scatterPDF accounting for the BSDF>> 
f_hat = bsdf->f(wo, wi) * AbsDot(wi, intr.AsSurface().shading.n); scatterPDF = bsdf->PDF(wo, wi);
} else { <<Update f_hat and scatterPDF accounting for the phase function>> 
PhaseFunction phase = intr.AsMedium().phase; f_hat = SampledSpectrum(phase.p(wo, wi)); scatterPDF = phase.PDF(wo, wi);
} if (!f_hat) return SampledSpectrum(0.f);
<<Declare path state variables for ray to light source>> 
Ray lightRay = intr.SpawnRayTo(ls->pLight); SampledSpectrum T_ray(1.f), r_l(1.f), r_u(1.f); RNG rng(Hash(lightRay.o), Hash(lightRay.d));
while (lightRay.d != Vector3f(0, 0, 0)) { <<Trace ray through media to estimate transmittance>> 
pstd::optional<ShapeIntersection> si = Intersect(lightRay, 1-ShadowEpsilon); <<Handle opaque surface along ray’s path>> 
if (si && si->intr.material) return SampledSpectrum(0.f);
<<Update transmittance for current ray segment>> 
if (lightRay.medium) { Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : (1 - ShadowEpsilon); Float u = rng.Uniform<Float>(); SampledSpectrum T_maj = SampleT_maj(lightRay, tMax, u, rng, lambda, [&](Point3f p, MediumProperties mp, SampledSpectrum sigma_maj, SampledSpectrum T_maj) { <<Update ray transmittance estimate at sampled point>> 
<<Update T_ray and PDFs using ratio-tracking estimator>> 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_maj[0]; T_ray *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf;
<<Possibly terminate transmittance computation using Russian roulette>> 
SampledSpectrum Tr = T_ray / (r_l + r_u).Average(); if (Tr.MaxComponentValue() < 0.05f) { Float q = 0.75f; if (rng.Uniform<Float>() < q) T_ray = SampledSpectrum(0.); else T_ray /= 1 - q; }
return true;
}); <<Update transmittance estimate for final segment>> 
T_ray *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_l *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_u *= T_maj / T_maj[0];
<<Generate next ray segment or return final transmittance>> 
if (!T_ray) return SampledSpectrum(0.f); if (!si) break; lightRay = si->intr.SpawnRayTo(ls->pLight);
} <<Return path contribution function estimate for direct lighting>> 
r_l *= r_p * lightPDF; r_u *= r_p * scatterPDF; if (IsDeltaLight(light.Type())) return beta * f_hat * T_ray * ls->L / r_l.Average(); else return beta * f_hat * T_ray * ls->L / (r_l + r_u).Average();

The overall structure of this method’s implementation is similar to the PathIntegrator’s SampleLd() method: a light source and a point on it are sampled, the vertex’s scattering function is evaluated, and then the light’s visibility is determined. Here we have the added complexity of needing to compute the transmittance between the scattering point and the point on the light rather than finding a binary visibility factor, as well as the need to compute spectral path sampling weights for MIS.

<<Estimate light-sampled direct illumination at intr>>= 
<<Initialize LightSampleContext for volumetric light sampling>> 
LightSampleContext ctx; if (bsdf) { ctx = LightSampleContext(intr.AsSurface()); <<Try to nudge the light sampling position to correct side of the surface>> 
BxDFFlags flags = bsdf->Flags(); if (IsReflective(flags) && !IsTransmissive(flags)) ctx.pi = intr.OffsetRayOrigin(intr.wo); else if (IsTransmissive(flags) && !IsReflective(flags)) ctx.pi = intr.OffsetRayOrigin(-intr.wo);
} else ctx = LightSampleContext(intr);
<<Sample a light source using lightSampler>> 
Float u = sampler.Get1D(); pstd::optional<SampledLight> sampledLight = lightSampler.Sample(ctx, u); Point2f uLight = sampler.Get2D(); if (!sampledLight) return SampledSpectrum(0.f); Light light = sampledLight->light;
<<Sample a point on the light source>> 
pstd::optional<LightLiSample> ls = light.SampleLi(ctx, uLight, lambda, true); if (!ls || !ls->L || ls->pdf == 0) return SampledSpectrum(0.f); Float lightPDF = sampledLight->p * ls->pdf;
<<Evaluate BSDF or phase function for light sample direction>> 
Float scatterPDF; SampledSpectrum f_hat; Vector3f wo = intr.wo, wi = ls->wi; if (bsdf) { <<Update f_hat and scatterPDF accounting for the BSDF>> 
f_hat = bsdf->f(wo, wi) * AbsDot(wi, intr.AsSurface().shading.n); scatterPDF = bsdf->PDF(wo, wi);
} else { <<Update f_hat and scatterPDF accounting for the phase function>> 
PhaseFunction phase = intr.AsMedium().phase; f_hat = SampledSpectrum(phase.p(wo, wi)); scatterPDF = phase.PDF(wo, wi);
} if (!f_hat) return SampledSpectrum(0.f);
<<Declare path state variables for ray to light source>> 
Ray lightRay = intr.SpawnRayTo(ls->pLight); SampledSpectrum T_ray(1.f), r_l(1.f), r_u(1.f); RNG rng(Hash(lightRay.o), Hash(lightRay.d));
while (lightRay.d != Vector3f(0, 0, 0)) { <<Trace ray through media to estimate transmittance>> 
pstd::optional<ShapeIntersection> si = Intersect(lightRay, 1-ShadowEpsilon); <<Handle opaque surface along ray’s path>> 
if (si && si->intr.material) return SampledSpectrum(0.f);
<<Update transmittance for current ray segment>> 
if (lightRay.medium) { Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : (1 - ShadowEpsilon); Float u = rng.Uniform<Float>(); SampledSpectrum T_maj = SampleT_maj(lightRay, tMax, u, rng, lambda, [&](Point3f p, MediumProperties mp, SampledSpectrum sigma_maj, SampledSpectrum T_maj) { <<Update ray transmittance estimate at sampled point>> 
<<Update T_ray and PDFs using ratio-tracking estimator>> 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_maj[0]; T_ray *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf;
<<Possibly terminate transmittance computation using Russian roulette>> 
SampledSpectrum Tr = T_ray / (r_l + r_u).Average(); if (Tr.MaxComponentValue() < 0.05f) { Float q = 0.75f; if (rng.Uniform<Float>() < q) T_ray = SampledSpectrum(0.); else T_ray /= 1 - q; }
return true;
}); <<Update transmittance estimate for final segment>> 
T_ray *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_l *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_u *= T_maj / T_maj[0];
<<Generate next ray segment or return final transmittance>> 
if (!T_ray) return SampledSpectrum(0.f); if (!si) break; lightRay = si->intr.SpawnRayTo(ls->pLight);
} <<Return path contribution function estimate for direct lighting>> 
r_l *= r_p * lightPDF; r_u *= r_p * scatterPDF; if (IsDeltaLight(light.Type())) return beta * f_hat * T_ray * ls->L / r_l.Average(); else return beta * f_hat * T_ray * ls->L / (r_l + r_u).Average();

Because it is called for both surface and volumetric scattering path vertices, SampleLd() takes a plain Interaction to represent the scattering point. Some extra care is therefore needed when initializing the LightSampleContext: if scattering is from a surface, it is important to interpret that interaction as the SurfaceInteraction that it is so that the shading normal is included in the LightSampleContext. This case also presents an opportunity, as was done in the PathIntegrator, to shift the light sampling point to avoid incorrectly sampling self-illumination from area lights.

<<Initialize LightSampleContext for volumetric light sampling>>= 
LightSampleContext ctx; if (bsdf) { ctx = LightSampleContext(intr.AsSurface()); <<Try to nudge the light sampling position to correct side of the surface>> 
BxDFFlags flags = bsdf->Flags(); if (IsReflective(flags) && !IsTransmissive(flags)) ctx.pi = intr.OffsetRayOrigin(intr.wo); else if (IsTransmissive(flags) && !IsReflective(flags)) ctx.pi = intr.OffsetRayOrigin(-intr.wo);
} else ctx = LightSampleContext(intr);

Sampling a point on the light follows in the usual way. Note that the implementation is careful to consume the two sample dimensions from the Sampler regardless of whether sampling a light was successful, in order to keep the association of sampler dimensions with integration dimensions fixed across pixel samples.

<<Sample a light source using lightSampler>>= 
Float u = sampler.Get1D(); pstd::optional<SampledLight> sampledLight = lightSampler.Sample(ctx, u); Point2f uLight = sampler.Get2D(); if (!sampledLight) return SampledSpectrum(0.f); Light light = sampledLight->light;

The light samples a direction from the reference point in the usual manner. The true value passed for the allowIncompletePDF parameter of Light::SampleLi() indicates the use of MIS here.

<<Sample a point on the light source>>= 
pstd::optional<LightLiSample> ls = light.SampleLi(ctx, uLight, lambda, true); if (!ls || !ls->L || ls->pdf == 0) return SampledSpectrum(0.f); Float lightPDF = sampledLight->p * ls->pdf;

As in PathIntegrator::SampleLd(), it is worthwhile to evaluate the BSDF or phase function before tracing the shadow ray: if it turns out to be zero-valued for the direction to the light source, then it is possible to exit early and perform no further work.

<<Evaluate BSDF or phase function for light sample direction>>= 
Float scatterPDF; SampledSpectrum f_hat; Vector3f wo = intr.wo, wi = ls->wi; if (bsdf) { <<Update f_hat and scatterPDF accounting for the BSDF>> 
f_hat = bsdf->f(wo, wi) * AbsDot(wi, intr.AsSurface().shading.n); scatterPDF = bsdf->PDF(wo, wi);
} else { <<Update f_hat and scatterPDF accounting for the phase function>> 
PhaseFunction phase = intr.AsMedium().phase; f_hat = SampledSpectrum(phase.p(wo, wi)); scatterPDF = phase.PDF(wo, wi);
} if (!f_hat) return SampledSpectrum(0.f);

The f_hat variable that holds the value of the scattering function is slightly misnamed: it also includes the cosine factor for scattering from surfaces and does not include the sigma Subscript normal s for scattering from participating media, as that has already been included in the provided value of beta.

<<Update f_hat and scatterPDF accounting for the BSDF>>= 
f_hat = bsdf->f(wo, wi) * AbsDot(wi, intr.AsSurface().shading.n); scatterPDF = bsdf->PDF(wo, wi);

<<Update f_hat and scatterPDF accounting for the phase function>>= 
PhaseFunction phase = intr.AsMedium().phase; f_hat = SampledSpectrum(phase.p(wo, wi)); scatterPDF = phase.PDF(wo, wi);

A handful of variables keep track of some useful quantities for the ray-tracing and medium sampling operations that are performed to compute transmittance. T_ray holds the transmittance along the ray and r_u and r_l respectively hold the rescaled path probabilities for unidirectional sampling and light sampling, though only along the ray. Maintaining these values independently of the full path contribution and PDFs facilitates the use of Russian roulette in the transmittance computation.

<<Declare path state variables for ray to light source>>= 
Ray lightRay = intr.SpawnRayTo(ls->pLight); SampledSpectrum T_ray(1.f), r_l(1.f), r_u(1.f); RNG rng(Hash(lightRay.o), Hash(lightRay.d));

SampleLd() successively intersects the shadow ray with the scene geometry, returning zero contribution if an opaque surface is found and otherwise sampling the medium to estimate the transmittance up to the intersection. For intersections that represent transitions between different media, this process repeats until the ray reaches the light source.

For some scenes, it could be more efficient to instead first check that there are no intersections with opaque surfaces before sampling the media to compute the transmittance. With the current implementation, it is possible to do wasted work estimating transmittance before finding an opaque surface farther along the ray.

<<Trace ray through media to estimate transmittance>>= 
pstd::optional<ShapeIntersection> si = Intersect(lightRay, 1-ShadowEpsilon); <<Handle opaque surface along ray’s path>> 
if (si && si->intr.material) return SampledSpectrum(0.f);
<<Update transmittance for current ray segment>> 
if (lightRay.medium) { Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : (1 - ShadowEpsilon); Float u = rng.Uniform<Float>(); SampledSpectrum T_maj = SampleT_maj(lightRay, tMax, u, rng, lambda, [&](Point3f p, MediumProperties mp, SampledSpectrum sigma_maj, SampledSpectrum T_maj) { <<Update ray transmittance estimate at sampled point>> 
<<Update T_ray and PDFs using ratio-tracking estimator>> 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_maj[0]; T_ray *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf;
<<Possibly terminate transmittance computation using Russian roulette>> 
SampledSpectrum Tr = T_ray / (r_l + r_u).Average(); if (Tr.MaxComponentValue() < 0.05f) { Float q = 0.75f; if (rng.Uniform<Float>() < q) T_ray = SampledSpectrum(0.); else T_ray /= 1 - q; }
return true;
}); <<Update transmittance estimate for final segment>> 
T_ray *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_l *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_u *= T_maj / T_maj[0];
<<Generate next ray segment or return final transmittance>> 
if (!T_ray) return SampledSpectrum(0.f); if (!si) break; lightRay = si->intr.SpawnRayTo(ls->pLight);

If an intersection is found with a surface that has a non-nullptr Material, the visibility term is zero and the method can return immediately.

<<Handle opaque surface along ray’s path>>= 
if (si && si->intr.material) return SampledSpectrum(0.f);

Otherwise, if participating media is present, SampleT_maj() is called to sample it along the ray up to whichever is closer—the surface intersection or the sampled point on the light.

<<Update transmittance for current ray segment>>= 
if (lightRay.medium) { Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : (1 - ShadowEpsilon); Float u = rng.Uniform<Float>(); SampledSpectrum T_maj = SampleT_maj(lightRay, tMax, u, rng, lambda, [&](Point3f p, MediumProperties mp, SampledSpectrum sigma_maj, SampledSpectrum T_maj) { <<Update ray transmittance estimate at sampled point>> 
<<Update T_ray and PDFs using ratio-tracking estimator>> 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_maj[0]; T_ray *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf;
<<Possibly terminate transmittance computation using Russian roulette>> 
SampledSpectrum Tr = T_ray / (r_l + r_u).Average(); if (Tr.MaxComponentValue() < 0.05f) { Float q = 0.75f; if (rng.Uniform<Float>() < q) T_ray = SampledSpectrum(0.); else T_ray /= 1 - q; }
return true;
}); <<Update transmittance estimate for final segment>> 
T_ray *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_l *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_u *= T_maj / T_maj[0];

For each sampled point in the medium, the transmittance and rescaled path probabilities are updated before Russian roulette is considered.

<<Update ray transmittance estimate at sampled point>>= 
<<Update T_ray and PDFs using ratio-tracking estimator>> 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_maj[0]; T_ray *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf;
<<Possibly terminate transmittance computation using Russian roulette>> 
SampledSpectrum Tr = T_ray / (r_l + r_u).Average(); if (Tr.MaxComponentValue() < 0.05f) { Float q = 0.75f; if (rng.Uniform<Float>() < q) T_ray = SampledSpectrum(0.); else T_ray /= 1 - q; }
return true;

In the context of the equation of transfer, using ratio tracking to compute transmittance can be seen as sampling distances along the ray according to the majorant transmittance and then only including the null-scattering component of the source function upper L Subscript normal n to correct any underestimate of transmittance from upper T Subscript normal m normal a normal j . Because only null-scattering vertices are sampled along transmittance rays, the logic for updating the transmittance and rescaled path probabilities at each vertex exactly follows that in the <<Handle null scattering along ray path>> fragment.

<<Update T_ray and PDFs using ratio-tracking estimator>>= 
SampledSpectrum sigma_n = ClampZero(sigma_maj - mp.sigma_a - mp.sigma_s); Float pdf = T_maj[0] * sigma_maj[0]; T_ray *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf; r_l *= T_maj * sigma_maj / pdf; r_u *= T_maj * sigma_n / pdf;

Russian roulette is used to randomly terminate rays with low transmittance. A natural choice might seem to be setting the survival probability equal to the transmittance—along the lines of how Russian roulette is used for terminating ray paths from the camera according to beta . However, doing so would effectively transform ratio tracking to delta tracking, with the transmittance always equal to zero or one. The implementation therefore applies a less aggressive termination probability, only to highly attenuated rays.

In the computation of the transmittance value used for the Russian roulette test, note that an MIS weight that accounts for both the unidirectional and light sampling strategies is used, along the lines of Equation (14.27).

<<Possibly terminate transmittance computation using Russian roulette>>= 
SampledSpectrum Tr = T_ray / (r_l + r_u).Average(); if (Tr.MaxComponentValue() < 0.05f) { Float q = 0.75f; if (rng.Uniform<Float>() < q) T_ray = SampledSpectrum(0.); else T_ray /= 1 - q; }

After the SampleT_maj() call returns, the transmittance and rescaled path probabilities all must be multiplied by the T_maj returned from SampleT_maj() for the final ray segment. (See the discussion for the earlier <<Handle terminated, scattered, and unscattered medium rays>> fragment for why each is updated as it is.)

<<Update transmittance estimate for final segment>>= 
T_ray *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_l *= T_maj / T_maj[0]; r_u *= T_maj / T_maj[0];

If the transmittance is zero (e.g., due to Russian roulette termination), it is possible to return immediately. Furthermore, if there is no surface intersection, then there is no further medium sampling to be done and we can move on to computing the scattered radiance from the light. Alternatively, if there is an intersection, it must be with a surface that represents the boundary between two media; the SpawnRayTo() method call returns the continuation ray on the other side of the surface, with its medium member variable set appropriately.

<<Generate next ray segment or return final transmittance>>= 
if (!T_ray) return SampledSpectrum(0.f); if (!si) break; lightRay = si->intr.SpawnRayTo(ls->pLight);

After the while loop terminates, we can compute the final rescaled path probabilities, compute MIS weights, and return the final estimate of the path contribution function for the light sample.

The r_p variable passed in to SampleLd() stores the rescaled path probabilities for unidirectional sampling of the path up to the vertex where direct lighting is being computed—though here, r_u and r_l have been rescaled using the light path sampling probability, since that is how the vertices were sampled along the shadow ray. However, recall from Equations (14.21) and (14.23) that p Subscript normal u comma lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis equals p Subscript normal l comma lamda 1 Baseline left-parenthesis normal p Subscript Baseline overbar Subscript n Baseline right-parenthesis for the path up to the scattering vertex. Thus, r_p can be interpreted as being rescaled using 1 slash p Subscript normal l comma lamda 1 . This allows multiplying r_l and r_u by r_p to compute final rescaled path probabilities.

If the light source is described by a delta distribution, only the light sampling technique is applicable; there is no chance of intersecting such a light via sampling the BSDF or phase function. In that case, we still apply MIS using all the wavelengths’ individual path PDFs in order to reduce variance in chromatic media.

For area lights, we are able to use both light source and the scattering function samples, giving two primary sampling strategies, each of which has a separate weight for each wavelength.

<<Return path contribution function estimate for direct lighting>>= 
r_l *= r_p * lightPDF; r_u *= r_p * scatterPDF; if (IsDeltaLight(light.Type())) return beta * f_hat * T_ray * ls->L / r_l.Average(); else return beta * f_hat * T_ray * ls->L / (r_l + r_u).Average();

With SampleLd() implemented, we will return to the fragments in the Li() method that handle the cases where a ray escapes from the scene and possibly finds illumination from infinite area lights, as well as where a ray intersects an emissive surface. These handle the first term in the direct lighting MIS estimator, Equation (14.24).

<<Add emitted light at volume path vertex or from the environment>>= 
if (!si) { <<Accumulate contributions from infinite light sources>> 
for (const auto &light : infiniteLights) { if (SampledSpectrum Le = light.Le(ray, lambda); Le) { if (depth == 0 || specularBounce) L += beta * Le / r_u.Average(); else { <<Add infinite light contribution using both PDFs with MIS>> 
Float lightPDF = lightSampler.PMF(prevIntrContext, light) * light.PDF_Li(prevIntrContext, ray.d, true); r_l *= lightPDF; L += beta * Le / (r_u + r_l).Average();
} } }
break; } SurfaceInteraction &isect = si->intr; if (SampledSpectrum Le = isect.Le(-ray.d, lambda); Le) { <<Add contribution of emission from intersected surface>> 
if (depth == 0 || specularBounce) L += beta * Le / r_u.Average(); else { <<Add surface light contribution using both PDFs with MIS>> 
Light areaLight(isect.areaLight); Float lightPDF = lightSampler.PMF(prevIntrContext, areaLight) * areaLight.PDF_Li(prevIntrContext, ray.d, true); r_l *= lightPDF; L += beta * Le / (r_u + r_l).Average();

As with the PathIntegrator, if the previous scattering event was due to a delta-distribution scattering function, then sampling the light is not a useful strategy. In that case, the MIS weight is only based on the per-wavelength PDFs for the unidirectional sampling strategy.

<<Accumulate contributions from infinite light sources>>= 
for (const auto &light : infiniteLights) { if (SampledSpectrum Le = light.Le(ray, lambda); Le) { if (depth == 0 || specularBounce) L += beta * Le / r_u.Average(); else { <<Add infinite light contribution using both PDFs with MIS>> 
Float lightPDF = lightSampler.PMF(prevIntrContext, light) * light.PDF_Li(prevIntrContext, ray.d, true); r_l *= lightPDF; L += beta * Le / (r_u + r_l).Average();
} } }

Otherwise, the MIS weight should account for both sampling techniques. At this point, r_l has everything but the probabilities for sampling the light itself. (Recall that we deferred that when initializing r_l at the real-scattering vertex earlier.) After incorporating that factor, all that is left is to compute the final weight, accounting for both sampling strategies.

<<Add infinite light contribution using both PDFs with MIS>>= 
Float lightPDF = lightSampler.PMF(prevIntrContext, light) * light.PDF_Li(prevIntrContext, ray.d, true); r_l *= lightPDF; L += beta * Le / (r_u + r_l).Average();

The work done in the <<Add contribution of emission from intersected surface>> fragment is very similar to that done for infinite lights, so it is not included here.