
  1. Read the papers by Manson and Schaefer (2013, 2014) on approximating high-quality filters with MIP maps and a small number of bilinear samples. Add an option to use their method for texture filtering in place of the EWA implementation currently in pbrt. Compare image quality for a number of scenes that use textures. How does running time compare? You may also find it beneficial to use a profiler to compare the amount of time it takes to run texture filtering code for each of the two approaches.
  2. An additional advantage of properly antialiased image map lookups is that they improve cache performance. Consider, for example, the situation of undersampling a high-resolution image map: nearby samples on the screen will access widely separated parts of the image map, such that there is low probability that texels fetched from main memory for one texture lookup will already be in the cache for texture lookups at adjacent pixel samples. Modify pbrt so that it always does image texture lookups from the finest level of the MIPMap, being careful to ensure that the same number of texels are still being accessed. How does performance change? What do cache-profiling tools report about the overall change in effectiveness of the CPU cache?
  3. Read Worley’s paper that describes a noise function with substantially different visual characteristics than Perlin noise (Worley 1996). Implement this cellular noise function, and add Textures to pbrt that are based on it.
  4. Read some of the papers on filtering bump maps referenced in the “Further Reading” section of this chapter, choose one of the techniques described there, and implement it in pbrt. Show the visual artifacts from bump map aliasing without the technique you implement, as well as examples of how well your implementation addresses them.
  5. Modify pbrt to support a shading language to allow user-written programs to compute texture values. Unless you are also interested in writing your own compiler, OSL (Gritz et al. 2010) is a good choice.