Further Reading


  1. Áfra, A. Incoherent ray tracing without acceleration structures. Eurographics 2012 Short Paper.
  2. Aila, T., and S. Laine. 2009. Understanding the efficiency of ray traversal on GPUs. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2009, 145–50.
  3. Aila, T., and T. Karras. Architecture considerations for tracing incoherent rays. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2010, 113–22.
  4. Badouel, D., and T. Priol. 1989. An efficient parallel ray tracing scheme for highly parallel architectures. In Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware.
  5. Barringer, R., and T. Akenine-Möller. Dynamic ray stream traversal. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2014) 33 (4), 151:1–151:9.
  6. Benthin, C., and I. Wald. 2009. Efficient ray traced soft shadows using multi-frusta tracing. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2009, 135–44.
  7. Benthin, C., I. Wald, S. Woop, M. Ernst, and W. R. Mark. Combining single and packet ray tracing for arbitrary ray distributions on the Intel(r) MIC architecture. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (9), 1438–48.
  8. Boulos, S., I. Wald, and C. Benthin. 2008. Adaptive ray packet reordering. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing, 131–38.
  9. Budge, B., T. Bernardin, J. Stuart, S. Sengupta, K. Joy, and J. D. Owens. 2009. Out-of-core data management for path tracing on hybrid resources. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2009) 28 (2), 385–96.
  10. Carr, N., J. D. Hall, and J. Hart. The ray engine. In Proceedings of Graphics Hardware 2002.
  11. Christensen, P. H., D. M. Laur, J. Fong, W. L. Wooten, and D. Batali. 2003. Ray differentials and multiresolution geometry caching for distribution ray tracing in complex scenes. In Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2003 Conference Proceedings) 22 (3), 543–52.
  12. Christensen, P. H., J. Fong, D. M. Laur, and D. Batali. Ray tracing for the movie Cars. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing, 1–6.
  13. Cleary, J. G., B. M. Wyvill, R. Vatti, and G. M. Birtwistle. 1983. Design and analysis of a parallel ray tracing computer. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface 1983, 33–38.
  14. Cook, R. L., L. Carpenter, and E. Catmull. 1987. The Reyes image rendering architecture. Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’87), 95–102.
  15. Dammertz, H., J. Hanika, and A. Keller. Shallow bounding volume hierarchies for fast SIMD ray tracing of incoherent rays. Computer Graphics Forum 27 (4), 1225–33.
  16. Davidovič, T., J. Křivánek, M. Hašan, and P. Slusallek. Progressive light transport simulation on the GPU: survey and improvements. ACM Transactions on Graphics 33 (3), 29:1–29:19.
  17. Deering, M. F. 1995. Geometry compression. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’95, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 13–20.
  18. Doyle, M. J., C. Fowler, and M. Manzke. A hardware unit for fast SAH-optimised BVH construction. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2013) 32 (4), 139:1–139:10
  19. Eisenacher, C., G. Nichols, A. Selle, and B. Burley. Sorted deferred shading for production path tracing. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of the 2013 Eurographics Symposium on Rendering) 32 (4), 125–32.
  20. Ernst, M., and G .Greiner. Multi bounding volume hierarchies. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing 2008, 35–40.
  21. Garanzha, K., J. Pantaleoni, D. McAllister. Simpler and faster HLBVH with work queues. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2011, 59–64.
  22. Georgiev, I., and P. Slusallek. 2008. RTfact: generic concepts for flexible and high performance ray tracing. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing, 115–22.
  23. Green, S. A., and D. J. Paddon. 1989. Exploiting coherence for multiprocessor ray tracing. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 9 (6), 12–26.
  24. Gribble, C., and K. Ramani. 2008. Coherent ray tracing via stream filtering. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing, 59–66.
  25. Hachisuka, T. 2005. High-quality global illumination rendering using rasterization. In M. Pharr (Ed.), GPU Gems 2: Programming Techniques for High Performance Graphics and General-Purpose Computation. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley.
  26. Hanika, J., A. Keller, and H. P. A. Lensch. Two-level ray tracing with reordering for highly complex scenes. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2010, 145–52.
  27. Hoberock, J., V. Lu, Y. Jia, J. Hart. 2009. Stream compaction for deferred shading. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2009, 173–80.
  28. Karras, T., and T. Aila. Fast parallel construction of high-quality bounding volume hierarchies. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2013, 89–99.
  29. Keller, A., and C. Wächter. Efficient ray tracing without auxiliary acceleration data structure. High Performance Graphics 2011 Poster.
  30. Lauterbach, C., M. Garland, S. Sengupta, D. Luebke, and D. Manocha. 2009. Fast BVH construction on GPUs. Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2009 Conference Proceedings) 28 (2), 422–30.
  31. Lee, W.-J., Y. Shin, J. Lee, J.-W. Kim, J.-H. Nah, S. Jung, S. Lee, H.-S. Park, and T.-D. Han. SGRT: a mobile GPU architecture for real-time ray tracing. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2013, 109–19.
  32. Lee, W.-J., Y. Shin, S. J. Hwang, S. Kang, J.-J. Yoo, and S. Ryu. Reorder buffer: an energy-efficient multithreading architecture for hardware MIMD ray traversal. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2015, 21–32.
  33. Mansson, E., J. Munkberg, and T. Akenine-Möller. 2007. Deep coherent ray tracing. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing, 79–85.
  34. McCombe, J. Low power consumption ray tracing. SIGGRAPH 2013 Course: Ray Tracing Is the Future and Ever Will Be.
  35. Moon, B., Y. Byun, T.-J. Kim, P. Claudio, H.-S. Kim, Y.-J. Ban, S. W. Nam, and S.-E. Yoon. Cache-oblivious ray reordering. ACM Transactions on Graphics 29 (3), 28:1–28:10.
  36. Mora, B. Naive ray-tracing: A divide-and-conquer approach. ACM Transactions on Graphics 30 (5), 117:1–117:12.
  37. Nabata, K., K. Iwasaki, Y. Dobashi, and T. Nishita. Efficient divide-and-conquer ray tracing using ray sampling. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2013, 129–35.
  38. Nah, J.-H., J.-S. Park, C. Park, J.-W. Kim, Y.-H. Jung, W.-C. Park, and T.-D. Han. T&I engine: traversal and intersection engine for hardware accelerated ray tracing. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2011) 30 (6), 160:1–160:10.
  39. Pantaleoni, J., and D. Luebke. HLBVH: hierarchical LBVH construction for real-time ray tracing of dynamic geometry. In Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Graphics 2010, 87–95.
  40. Pantaleoni, J., L. Fascione, M. Hill, and T. Aila. PantaRay: fast ray-traced occlusion caching of massive scenes. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2010) 29 (4), 37:1–37:10.
  41. Parker, S. G., J. Bigler, A. Dietrich, H. Friedrich, J. Hoberock, D. Luebke, D. McAllister, M. McGuire, K. Morley, A. Robison, and M. Stich. OptiX: a general purpose ray tracing engine. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2010) 29 (4), 66:1–66:13.
  42. Parker, S., S. Boulos, J. Bigler, and A. Robison. 2007. RTSL: a ray tracing shading language. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing.
  43. Parker, S., W. Martin, P.-P. J. Sloan, P. S. Shirley, B. Smits, and C. Hansen. 1999. Interactive ray tracing. In 1999 ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 119–26.
  44. Pharr, M., and P. Hanrahan. 1996. Geometry caching for ray-tracing displacement maps. In Eurographics Rendering Workshop 1996, 31–40.
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  49. Reshetov, A. 2007. Faster ray packets–triangle intersection through vertex culling. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing, 105–12.
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  52. Tsakok, J. 2009. Faster incoherent rays: multi-BVH ray stream tracing. In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics 2009, 151–58.
  53. Wald, I., C. Benthin, and P. Slusallek. 2003. Interactive global illumination in complex and highly occluded environments. In Eurographics Symposium on Rendering: 14th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, 74–81.
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