- ② One shortcoming of the current implementation of the BSDF::Sample_f() method is that if some of the BxDFs make a much larger contribution to the overall result than others, then uniformly choosing among them to determine a sampling distribution may be inefficient. Modify this method so that it instead chooses among the BxDFs according to their relative reflectances. (Don’t forget to also update BSDF::Pdf() to account for this change.) Can you create a contrived set of parameters to a Material that causes this approach to be substantially better than the built-in one? Does this change have a noticeable effect on Monte Carlo efficiency for typical scenes?
- ① Fix the buggy Sphere::Sample() and Disk::Sample() methods, which currently don’t properly account for partial spheres and disks when they sample points on the surface. Create a scene that demonstrates the error from the current implementations and for which your solution is clearly an improvement.
- ② It is possible to derive a sampling method for cylinder area light sources that only chooses points over the visible area as seen from the receiving point, similar to the improved sphere sampling method in this chapter (Gardner et al. 1987; Zimmerman 1995). Learn more about these methods, or rederive them yourself, and write a new implementation of Cylinder::Sample() that implements such an algorithm. Verify that pbrt still generates correct images with your method, and measure how much the improved version reduces variance for a fixed number of samples taken. How much does it improve efficiency? How do you explain any discrepancy between the amount of reduction in variance and the amount of improvement in efficiency?
- ③ The sampling approach implemented in InfiniteAreaLight::Sample_Li() is ineffective in scenes like indoor environments, where many directions are occluded by the building structure. One approach to this problem is to manually provide a representation of portals like windows that the light passes through. These portals can then be sampled by area to find paths that lead to the light. However, such an approach doesn’t account for the directional radiance distribution of the light source. Bitterli et al. (2015) suggested an improved method that causes rectangular portals to be rectangular areas in the environment map, which in turn can be sampled directly. Implement their approach as a new InfiniteAreaLight sampling method in pbrt, and measure the improvement in efficiency for rendering scenes where there is a substantial amount of occlusion between the part of the scene being rendered and the infinite light source.
- ② The infinite area light importance sampling method implemented in this chapter doesn’t perfectly match the distribution of the light source’s emission distribution: recall that the emission function is computed with bilinear interpolation among image samples, but the sampling distribution is computed as a piecewise-constant function of a slightly blurred version of the texture map. In some cases, this discrepancy can lead to high variance when there are localized extremely bright texels. (In the worst case, consider a source that has a very small value at all texels except one, which is 10,000 times brighter than all of the others.) In that case, the value of the function may be much higher than predicted by the sampling PDFs at points very close to that sample, thus leading to high variance ( is large). Construct an environment map where this problem manifests itself in pbrt and fix the system so that the excessive variance goes away. One option is to modify the system so that the sampling distribution and the illumination function match perfectly by point sampling the environment map for lookups, rather than using bilinear filtering, though this can lead to undesirable image artifacts in the environment map, especially when directly visible from the camera. Can you find a way to only use the point-sampled environment map for direct lighting calculations but to use bilinear filtering for camera rays and rays that have only undergone specular reflection? The other alternative is to modify the sampling distribution so that it matches the bilinearly filtered environment map values perfectly. Exact 2D sampling distributions for bilinear functions can be computed, though finding the sample value corresponding to a random variable is more computationally expensive, requiring solving a quadratic equation. Can you construct a scene where this overhead is worthwhile in return for the resulting variance reduction?
- ② To further improve efficiency, Russian roulette can be applied to skip tracing many of the shadow rays that make a low contribution to the final image: to implement this approach, tentatively compute the potential contribution of each shadow ray to the final overall radiance value before tracing the ray. If the contribution is below some threshold, apply Russian roulette to possibly skip tracing the ray. Recall that Russian roulette always increases variance; when evaluating the effectiveness of your implementation, you should consider its efficiency—how long it takes to render an image at a particular level of quality.
- ② Read Veach’s description of efficiency-optimized Russian roulette, which adaptively chooses a threshold for applying Russian roulette (Veach 1997; Section 10.4.1). Implement this algorithm in pbrt, and evaluate its effectiveness in comparison to manually setting these thresholds.
- ③ Implement a technique for generating samples from the product of the light and BSDF distributions; see the papers by Burke et al. (2005), Cline et al. (2006), Clarberg et al. (2005), and Rousselle et al. (2008). Compare the effectiveness of the approach you implement to the direct lighting calculation currently implemented in pbrt. Investigate how scene complexity (and, thus, how expensive shadow rays are to trace) affects the Monte Carlo efficiency of the two techniques.
- ② Clarberg and Akenine-Möller (2008b) and Popov et al. (2013) both described algorithms that perform visibility caching, computing, and interpolating information about light source visibility at points in the scene. Implement one of these methods and use it to improve the direct lighting calculation in pbrt. What sorts of scenes is it particularly effective for? Are there scenes for which it doesn’t help?
- ② Investigate algorithms for rendering scenes with large numbers of light sources: see, for example, the papers by Ward (1991a), Shirley, Wang, and Zimmerman (1996), and Donikian et al. (2006) on this topic. Choose one of these approaches and implement it in pbrt. Run experiments with a number of scenes to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach that you implement.
- ③ Modify pbrt so that the user can flag certain objects in the scene as being important sources of indirect lighting, and modify the PathIntegrator to sample points on those surfaces according to to generate some of the vertices in the paths it generates. Use multiple importance sampling to compute weights for the path samples, incorporating the probability that they would have been sampled both with BSDF sampling and with this area sampling. How much can this approach reduce variance and improve efficiency for scenes with substantial indirect lighting? How much can it hurt if the user flags surfaces that actually make little or no contribution or if multiple importance sampling isn’t used? Investigate generalizations of this approach that learn which objects are important sources of indirect lighting as rendering progresses so that the user doesn’t need to supply this information ahead of time.